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The importance of halal certification for food and non-food products

HMA Canada
The importance of halal certification for food and non-food products

The word Halal is an Arabic word which means permitted, allowed, or lawful according to Islam. Foods and other stuff prepared by the Islamic laws are considered Halal. Acceptable and encouraged by Muslims. Muslim's holy book Quran describes all foods and non-food products as Halal, other than those as Haram. Such as;

  • Pork and bacon
  • Lard of pig
  • Carnivorous animals ( dogs, cats, bears and wolves)
  • The meat of that animals was not raised under Halal guidelines and slaughtered in the name of Allah
  • Alcohol 
  • Carrion and Birds of prey

Muslims are not to allow these things like food and other products to meet the laws of Halal. That's why Muslims structured a system that ensures that everything is regulated according to Islamic law and guidelines called Halal certification. 

Halal certification concedes that the company has followed all necessary Halal guidelines and that preparing the products or items is lawful and permitted through Islamic law.

There are unlimited Halal certifiers in non-muslim countries, but the Halal Monitoring Authority is the most authentic certifier in Canada. The Halal Monitoring Authority (HMA) realizes the complication of Halal Meat Toronto and inspects the plan in three territories

  1. Slaughterhouses
  2. Processors
  3. Food shops or Outlets.

HMA inspects poultry, meat and other products from the slaughterhouse to its packing and delivery point to provide Halal products to Muslims in Canada. For the purchase of Toronto Halal Food and other products HMA logo and label assist Muslims in making the halal choice confidently.

The market potential is about 2 billion Muslim consumers globally who have a personal and spiritual incentive to purchase Halal industry food and non-food products. Which increases the importance of Halal Certification in Muslim and non-Muslim countries following are some reasons;

  • Halal certification can increase exports and easily transport products to Muslim and non-muslim countries.
  • The products gain brand recognition in the Muslim community by offering a value proposition in Halal markets. Halal certification enhances the marketability of food and non-food products.
  • Halal certification assures Muslims that there is no question about the purity of the products rather than its food or other.
  • Retailers can take a competitive advantage because they entered a new market by taking the halal certification boosts sales and revenue.
  • A halal certificate is a guarantee that the products are fully prepared to comply with Islamic dietary requirements, and it doesn't matter if you are a Muslim or not Halal products are 100% pure and hygienic quality. Muslims and non-Muslims can eat Halal food for health safety.

HMA Canada
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