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E-Commerce SEO: Best Practice for Online Store

Shopify SEO Expert
E-Commerce SEO: Best Practice for Online Store

The right eCommerce SEO strategy can be a huge help if you are an eCommerce business owner looking to increase sales through more organic traffic. Although eCommerce SEO is not a new concept, it is still being used as a business promotion strategy for many years. However, there are a few things you might not know about how to use it for eCommerce business promotion.

This eCommerce SEO strategy focuses on eCommerce promotion. It aims to cover every aspect of eCommerce SEO so you can increase your website's visibility to Google and make more sales.

Introduction to SEO for eCommerce

SEO for eCommerce shops has one primary objective: to improve the visibility of eCommerce portals in search engine results pages (SERPs). This visibility increases website traffic and ultimately leads to increased sales.

Although eCommerce players may be able to take advantage of Google Ads and other advertising systems to increase visibility, these methods are not sustainable because they are based on a pay-as-you-go basis. To achieve the desired results, it is important to use a proven SEO strategy or plan for eCommerce.

E-commerce SEO includes SEO activities that improve the visibility of your eCommerce portal to search engines like Google and Yahoo! This will help you to get more leads and convert more customers.

One thing to remember is that eCommerce SEO differs from traditional SEO. SEO is more than just writing articles and adding keywords. It also involves link building. To get real traction in eCommerce SEO, one must have a strategic approach. It is difficult to master the art of eCommerce SEO, especially with so many e-commerce platforms such as BigCommerce, Shopify, and Squarespace.

Digital marketers often make the common mistake of focusing on product pages and completely neglecting pages such as About Us, Blog Page, or FAQs Page.

Importance Of E-commerce SEO 

Particularly if your ecommerce portal does not appear in search engines. Your portal will be more visible to search engines, which increases its chances of making sales.

Many people search for products in general, and not just this. People search for information, ask questions and find guides, reviews and other relevant elements. Ecommerce portals have the opportunity to give them the best information, which can help with promoting the portal or making sales.

If someone searches for the best mid-range mobiles in India and clicks on a link to your portal, then a blog will be displayed. You provide the information the person needs and increase the chances of selling by driving them to your portal.

Similar to the above, if your website does not appear in search results it means that you are losing sales opportunities. Ecommerce SEO service providers can help you get your website to the top of search results, which will increase its visibility.

There are many benefits to ecommerce SEO strategies.

  • Increase the search exposure for your website on Google and other search engines
  • This increases brand loyalty and brand value.
  • When encouraging people to purchase, you should not resort to pushing strategies.
  • This reduces marketing costs, especially for paid advertisements.
  • Promotes sales and business growth

Effective E-commerce SEO Strategy

If you're well-informed about all aspects of e-commerce SEO, it isn't difficult to create an effective strategy. It is possible to approach it in the right way. You can expect amazing results faster and more effectively if you have a plan and implement it. This is how you can create an e-commerce SEO strategy.

Prioritize web pages - First, create a list that lists the pages that receive the most traffic. Get started on them. If you have chosen some pages or products to be your flagship product, ensure that they convert well. Google Analytics is a great tool to monitor performance and get a better insight.

Preparing a workflow is important - SEO involves many tactics and elements, and it can be difficult to master them all. There are many things that must be done in conjunction to achieve desired results, including writing Meta tags, optimizing content, adding images tags and other tasks. Once you have decoded them, identify the most popular topics and items your target audience is discussing. You will need to create a process where you tackle each aspect of SEO for ecommerce shops one at a time, rather than trying to do it all at once.

Competitive Research - Ecommerce SEO is about being better than your competition on search engines. This can only happen if you are aware of both their strengths as well as their weaknesses. Start with the easiest areas and then move on to the more difficult. Look at product comparison websites to see what SEO services are being used by your competitors. You might be able to come up with a better solution and outperform your competitors.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO). While SEO is important, it's also crucial to remember the importance of CRO. Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the number of users performing the desired action on a website. These actions include product purchases, adding products to your basket, signing up for a service or completing forms.

eCommerce website Design

What does it signify? It refers to your website's architecture and how it is laid out. SEO considers this a crucial aspect.

Google uses linkages to determine the relationships between different web pages in order to find the best content for your ecommerce website. Google will decode your ecommerce website's structure to find the most effective content.

Google, for example, can determine relative relevancy of a page to the rest of your website based on how many links it has to follow to get there as well as the number pointing to it.

Many people believe that website structure isn't as important as it should be for eCommerce portals. Most e-commerce websites have a similar skeleton. It is important that your website structure be such that it makes it easy for visitors to find the product they are looking for. The website should also be easy to navigate.

E-commerce SEO Best Strategy Practices To Follow

Find out more about how to prepare the best eCommerce SEO strategy online. It is important to use proven eCommerce SEO strategies to reach the desired goals in a timely manner and ethically.

These are the best practices for e-commerce and online store SEO.

Choose Relevant Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of your ecommerce website. Pay attention! The keywords you choose will be the basis of your entire ecommerce SEO strategy.

These keywords can be used smartly in your website's title tags and meta descriptions, product descriptions, headings and blog content. The LSI keywords should be scattered throughout the website.

Keywords with high search volumes are recommended. These keywords are more likely to get traffic than others. You will increase your chances of getting more visitors to your site.

Competitive Analysis

If you don't know where to start with e-commerce website optimization, your competition should be your first contact point. You can learn a lot from the websites of larger competitors, as they have likely already spent time and effort optimizing their websites.

Optimize Product Pages

Your ecommerce website's product pages are the most important. Ecommerce site owners make the biggest mistake of putting ordinary content on product pages in hopes of selling quickly.

It should not be the strategy. Every element should be considered when creating product pages, including the product name, description, image tags and reviews.

The design must be responsive, and that is the most important thing. This means that the product page layout would adapt to any size device whether it was being viewed on a tablet, a tab, or a large-sized monitor.

Website Architecture

E-commerce websites contain many pages so your website architecture must be simple to understand. Your website structure is extremely important to search engines. Search engines determine the layout of your website pages and index them accordingly.

It shouldn't take more than three clicks to get to the website's inner pages, as it has been mentioned. Your website architecture should be well-structured and easily understood. To show search engines that the product pages of your website are connected, you should focus on internal linking.

General Backlinks

Search engines consider backlinks when ranking pages for placement in the SERPs. The more backlinks your site receives from high-quality websites, the more authoritative it becomes.

It doesn't need to be difficult to build ecommerce backlinks. Guest posting on blogs within your niche is a simple and ethical way to create links. Email the owners of the blogs that interest you with some suggestions for guest posts.

Remember that your goal as an ecommerce website proprietor is not to make sales right away. You should instead focus on increasing your website's visibility to Google and potential customers. You can only do this by creating a strategic ecommerce SEO strategy.


It is important to remember that not every e-commerce SEO strategy works for all websites. To make an impact in today's highly competitive marketplace, each eCommerce site would require a customized, proven SEO strategy.

Contact CartCoders and hire SEO expert for Shopify store to help your eCommerce websites achieve first-page rankings for targeted keywords. We offer affordable SEO packages that won't break the bank and deliver tangible results.

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Shopify SEO Expert
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