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Step by step process to study in Canada - MyStudia

Step by step process to study in Canada - MyStudia

The process of studying in Canada is simplified as mentioned below:

  1. Find out the best suitable program and college as per your career goal. You can surf and compare them on the internet.
  2. Check the requirements and make sure you meet all of them.
  3. Prepare for your language proficiency test like IELTS Exam as mentioned in the college/program requirements and appear for the test.
  4. Gather your documents like score sheet of language test, marksheet of your education record, extracurricular activities, internships and experience, statement of purpose (SOP) along with the proof of funds as well. You have to gain GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificate) if you are applying through SDS (Student Direct Stream).
  5. Submit your complete application, pay your application and tuition fees for admission and wait for offer letter. Here your stage of receiving offer letter is completed.
  6. Now, you have to apply for visa with the help of offer letter and gain the study permit for which you can again fill in the required form, submit relevant documents and apply for visa.

The process of receiving offer letter seems tedious but it is not so difficult. We have developed an online platform where students can get everything done at one place. With help of online platform of MyStudia, you can search through thousands of programs available and check out which suits the best for your profile. You can upload one set of documents on your web or app, and use that set to make more than one application. You have option of paying fees there itself and within few taps, your application will be submitted and all you have to do is apply for visa after receiving the offer. In case of need, you can seek the expert counselling through call and chat and they will guide you for the process.

Process of studying abroad is not so difficult if you have right guidance.

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