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Original Babylon 5 star Bruce Boxleitner provides a grim update

anya helinton

Original Babylon 5 star Bruce Boxleitner provides a grim update on the status of the long-anticipated reboot. Created by J. Michael Straczynski, the cult sci-fi show takes place aboard a 23rd-century space station operated by a human military staff that serves as a neutral ground for interspecies diplomacy and trade. Originally running for five seasons during the ‘90s and spawning additional television movies and a spinoff series, the property still boasts an active and passionate fanbase. In 2021, it was announced that Straczynski had been tapped to write a "from-the-ground-up reboot" of the original show for Warner Bros. and The CW.

Since then, news about the progress of the prospective Babylon 5 reboot has been slim. Most recently Boxleitner, who played Captain John Sheridan on the original series, spoke with ComicBook.com at Walt Disney World's All The Disney Thrills event. 

Could Warner Bros. Find The Babylon 5 Reboot Another Home?

Although it is unclear what the exact reasons are behind Babylon 5’s continued delays, the changes being enacted at The CW do not bode well for its prospects. Throughout 2022, the network slashed a number of original programs from its roster, including handing out several cancellations to many of its long-running Arrowverse shows. Then in January of this year, it was reported that the network would also drop the number of its scripted shows to three for the 2023-2024 season.

With doubts already being cast over the future of other CW shows such as the Supernatural spinoff series The Winchesters, the likelihood of the Babylon 5 reboot finding a slot on the network's rapidly shrinking roster decreases by the day. However, with Babylon 5 able to boast a passionate fanbase and firmly established IP, Warner Bros. may decide to continue with the reboot and shop the project elsewhere. With both Disney and Paramount already capitalizing on their own popular space-faring franchises, Warner Bros. could potentially look to even the playing field by bringing the series to HBO Max.

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anya helinton
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