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Heights Fashion Institute Jaipur
Fashion Retailing

Fashion retailing has been an ever-evolving industry that has faced numerous challenges over the years. The economic storms of the early 1980s were particularly tumultuous for fashion retailers, who had to count the beats of the nation's economic pulse to assess signs of recovery. The era of conspicuous consumption was over, and consumers were demanding value for money. It was evident in the mid-1980s that the market was a buyer's market, and retailers had to earn the loyalty of a knowledgeable and demanding public continually. Now these days Heights Jaipur is one of the leading fashion designing colleges in Jaipur that offers a wide range of courses for students interested in pursuing a career in the fashion industry. Our experienced faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and industry-focused curriculum ensure that students receive the best possible education and training. Join us today to take the first step towards a successful career in fashion designing.

The term retailing refers to the business of buying goods from various resources and assembling them in convenient locations for resale to consumers. Fashion retailing is the business of retailing fashion-oriented merchandise. The merchandising function is the most crucial function in all retail organizations because sales are usually the sole source of revenue for a store.

Retailing dates back to the times of sailing ships and desert caravans that brought rich silks and exotic spices from the East to be sold in early centers of population. These goods, along with pottery, foodstuffs, and precious metals, were gathered by a merchant to be sold in one location. This gave rise to the first "department" stores and "variety" stores. The first actual departmental store was opened in Paris in 1850 when the Bon Marche was created.

In early times, many traders produced the goods they offered for sale to customers. These were the master craftsmen, weavers, potters, and goldsmiths who often worked and maintained shops in their homes. They were also responsible for the training and maintaining of a number of apprentices, who learned and perfected their skills before opening shops of their own. Makers of one kind of merchandise usually stayed in one location on a street or in an area, and these early shops were forerunners of today's specialty shops.

Though most of the population clustered around the cities with their shops and bazaars, many lived in sparsely settled areas at far distances from the cities. Their needs were looked after by yet another type of trader - the peddler. Peddlers were roving retailers who carried their wares on their backs, on pack animals, or in wagons. They covered many miles on a regular circuit to resell the goods they bought from traders to their isolated customers.

As retailing evolved, different forms of retailing developed, including department stores, discount stores, specialty stores, and online retailing. Modern retail organizations seek customer patronage by employing various marketing strategies to ensure they have the right merchandise at the right price and with the right promotion. Fashion retailing has come a long way since the early days, and it continues to evolve as consumers demand more value for their money and seek out convenience and personalization in their shopping experiences.

Heights Jaipur is a leading fashion design institute in Jaipur that offers comprehensive courses for students interested in pursuing a career in the fashion industry. Join us today to turn your creative passion into a successful profession.

Mail-order Company

The mail-order business has played a significant role in the buying activities of the American people, especially in the late 1800s when it was specifically established for rural Americans who could not get to a store. Mail-order companies offer a wide range of fashion items, furnishings for the home, and tools for the farm, which were illustrated, described, and priced. The mail-order business opened up a whole new world of fashion to rural women who had been limited to the scant provisions of the general store or the peddler's pack. However, with the rise of technology and the internet, the retail scene has undergone significant changes.

The primary function of retailers is to meet the needs and wants of their target customers. Success in the retail business depends upon customer acceptance of the goods and services offered. Retailers must be alert to changes in the environment and customer buying habits to remain successful. The forces of change are reshaping the retail trade, and retailers have had to change their retailing strategies in response to the changing environment.

The organizational structure of retail firms is not as clear-cut as other types of business firms. Retail firms typically have an organizational structure with anywhere from two to six major functions or areas of responsibility, each headed by a top-management executive. This person is responsible to the chief executive of the firm, usually called the general manager, the executive vice president, or the president.

Most medium-sized department stores today have an organizational structure based on a four-function plan, including finance and control division, inventory control, merchandising division, sales promotion division, and operations division. The finance and control division is responsible for the credit department, accounts payable, and inventory control. The merchandising division is responsible for buying, selling, merchandise planning and control, and usually fashion coordination. The sales promotion division is responsible for all advertising, display, special event publicity, and public relations. The operations division is responsible for maintenance of all facilities, store and merchandise protection, customer services, receiving and marking, and personnel.

Retail firms with larger sales volumes, a larger number of employees, and perhaps several branches usually find it necessary to increase their major functions from four to five. They may remove responsibility for personnel from the operations division and elevate it to major function status under the direction of a personnel executive. In this case, a personnel division serves as a separate function or division within a retail firm's organizational structure, responsible for employment, training, employee records, executive recruitment and development, and related activities.

Retail firms with the largest sales volume and number of employees, and usually operating more than six branches, often add a sixth major function to their operating structure: a branch store division. The executive responsible for this function serves as the link between parent and branch store executives and ensures that the firm's merchandising, personnel, and public relation policies are carried out in the branches.

Heights Jaipur is a leading Fashion Institute in Jaipur that offers comprehensive courses for students interested in pursuing a career in fashion design. With experienced faculty, industry-relevant curriculum, and modern facilities, we provide our students with the best possible education and training. For more Information Visit Our Website



The history and development of fashion retailing can be traced back to early traders who sold goods to customers in one location. The industry has evolved over time, facing numerous challenges and adapting to changing consumer demands. Today, fashion retailers must continue to innovate and employ effective marketing strategies to attract and retain customers in a highly competitive market.

While the mail-order business played a remarkable role in the buying activities of the American people, the retail scene has undergone significant changes due to the rise of technology and the internet. Retailers must be alert to changes in the environment and customer buying habits to remain successful. The organizational structure of retail firms is not as clear-cut as other types of business firms, and it typically involves several major functions or areas of responsibility, each headed by a top-management executive.

Heights Jaipur offers comprehensive fashion design courses in Jaipur to help aspiring designers turn their creative ideas into reality. Our courses provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the fashion industry. Join us today to unleash your creativity and pursue a fulfilling career in fashion design.

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Heights Fashion Institute Jaipur
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