Koshambh is a company with a rich heritage and a tradition of excellence that we are proud to continue today. Boasting an experience of over 27 years we are one of the leading exporters from India. Our services often assist our clients to translate their exporting and entrepreneurial endeavors into a reality.
Often termed as the ‘Export Experts’ we house extensive knowledge entailing the know-hows of shipping a wide range of products to the African countries such as Democratic Republic of Congo, Niger, and Angola (To name a few). We pride ourselves to have an amazing specialty sourcing team. Besides export shipping we also assist our clients in areas dealing with the logistical technicalities such as legal procedures, mandatory information, categorization of products and items you desire to export.
Koshambh exports a wide range of products from the Automobile industry. We export a full range of spare parts of two-wheelers of India’s most trusted brands like TVS, BAJAJ, Yamaha, Hero. We export the best quality of lubricants and oil from Shell and TVS, Tyres from MRF, CEAT, TVS. We export different accessories for 4-wheelers and trucks like brake pads, batteries, oil filters and more. We also supply different agricultural implements and helmets. We make sure you can export automobiles and spare parts in Africa most easily and transparently.
Contact Us
For more detail - inquire us at +91 265 2334401
Email Us at info@koshambh.com
301-302, Gamthi Complex,
Opp. Productivity Council Productivity Road,
Vadodara - 390007
Inquire us your requirement at https://koshambh.com/contact-us/
Website - https://koshambh.com/
Visit Link - https://koshambh.com/category/export-solutions/automobile/