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Spring Washer Manufacturer , Suppliers, Exporter In India | Bigboltnut

Big Bolt Nut
Spring Washer Manufacturer , Suppliers, Exporter In India | Bigboltnut

We are manufacturer, supplier and exporter of stainless steel spring washers in India. These washer are manufactured by us in Mild steel, carbon steel and stainless steel. Available in MS, HV 100, HV 200, HV 300, SS304, SS316 grades. Spring washers, which have axial flexibility and are used to prevent fastening or loosening due to vibrations. Locking washers, which prevent fastening or loosening by preventing unscrewing rotation of the fastening device; locking washers are usually also spring washers. We manufacture M16 to M72 & 1/2” to 3” washer or as per customer requirements. Manufacturing process for spring washers is very different from bolts & nuts, the raw material for spring washers are generally available in coil form and these are made from special purpose de coiler machines which make them as per specifications.

We can offer surface finishing as per customer requirement in hot dip galvanising, we take special care to ensure there is no hydrogen embrittlement in 10.9 grade with our special curing system which ensures that 10.9 grade bolts are not damaged by hydrogen embrittlement post galvanising process. We also do zinc electroplated in blue, yellow or black colour as per customer requirements.

Special coatings in specific industries require zinc flake coatings, these coatings are done as per ISO 10683, depending upon customers requirement for salt spray life we offer coating systems from NOF Japan and Doerken from Germany, these coatings are provided with the help and support of our partners who have the required licence and have successfully done validations with our existing customers. Salt spray life can vary from 500 to 1500 hours.

Black oxide or black coating is a general type of coating offered on bolts & nuts & stud bolts to give a pleasant appearance and to prevent any rusting during transportation or storage, the normal salt spray life for the fasteners applied with such coatings is often less than 100 hours

Xylan is a brand name of With fort USA and is a special coating applied on fasteners / stud bolts where extreme temperatures and harsh condition exist. The Highlights of this coating is that it gives

Big Bolt Nut
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