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Essential Food Delivery App Features: A Comprehensive Exploration

Essential Food Delivery App Features: A Comprehensive Exploration

Food delivery apps have gained much popularity in the past few years, especially after the world got hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. Food delivery apps offer users a convenient and efficient way to order food from their favorite restaurants and deliver it to their doorstep. But now, the food delivery app is not restricted to just homes and offices; you can get the food delivered to activity places and relaxing spots such as beaches. The purpose of these apps is to simplify the food ordering process, allowing customers to browse menus from a vast range of restaurants quickly, select their favorite dishes and pay for the order from comfort. With the app, you will not be getting disturbed while having fun with family and friends or even if you are relaxing at the beach.

Following are the Must-have Food Delivery App Features

When you plan to proceed with food delivery development, you must know some of the most trending features. In this article, we have covered some essential elements that can help you develop an outstanding app for your food business. The very first thing you need to know about food delivery app development is to pen down your primary users/customers.

So, it’s simple, you have:

The customer

The admin and

The delivery person or valet

Now, its important to study their patterns, tastes, preferences, needs and requirements. It’s amazing to have features that best suit these customers. So it’s better if you consider three different kinds of food-ordering mobile apps for your platforms. These are:

The customer side of the app

The admin panel

The courier or valet person app

The user-customized features help to make your food delivery app more useful. Below is a list of key features for each food-ordering app with an example.

User-Specific App

Your customers will fluently be using the food delivery app, so it would be helpful if it is user-friendly. The customer app must allow them to find the right restaurant or dish they are willing to order. After ordering the food, the payment process should also be as smooth as placing the order.

User Registration, Profile Creation and Authentication

The registration process is the very first step of the customer’s interaction with the app. It should be hassle-free and fast. You may also include for customers not to continue the process if the process is complicated. Therefore it is advised to make the registration feature simple, and minimalistic and allow users to finish the registration via the OTP received on their phone number or email account, or they can use social media accounts.

Restaurant Search, Menu Browsing and Selection

The core feature of the food delivery app is searching the food from the restaurant. After completing the sign-up and registration process, the user is logged in successfully and ready to place the first order. When the user gets what they are looking for the order is placed fast.

Restaurant Profile Reviewing

Sometimes, while placing the order, customers might want to look at the restaurant profile so its important to have a restaurant profile. The customer should check location, food availability with the restaurant, ratings, reviews and pricing. The feature helps to conclude the order process, so is a kind of mandatory feature to your app.

Food to the Cart and Scheduling Orders

When customers find food that they want to have, it’s time to add items to the cart, and users may want to order from different locations. So make the cart feature handy so that the user can easily place the orders at one go, without placing multiple orders from more than one place.

User-Specific App

Your customers will fluently be using the food delivery app, so it would be helpful if it is user-friendly. The customer app must allow them to find the right restaurant or dish they are willing to order. After ordering the food, the payment process should also be as smooth as placing the order.

User Registration, Profile Creation and Authentication

The registration process is the very first step of the customer’s interaction with the app. It should be hassle-free and fast. You may also include for customers not to continue the process if the process is complicated. Therefore it is advised to make the registration feature simple, and minimalistic and allow users to finish the registration via the OTP received on their phone number or email account, or they can use social media accounts.

Restaurant Search, Menu Browsing and Selection

The core feature of the food delivery app is searching the food from the restaurant. After completing the sign-up and registration process, the user is logged in successfully and ready to place the first order. When the user gets what they are looking for the order is placed fast. Adding a smart restaurant list to the app is highly advised.

Restaurant Profile Reviewing

Sometimes, while placing the order, customers might want to look at the restaurant profile so its important to have a restaurant profile. The customer should check location, food availability with the restaurant, ratings, reviews and pricing. The feature helps to conclude the order process, so is a kind of mandatory feature to your app.

Admin-Specific App

Admin is an individual person’s account responsible for handling orders, determining prices, and maintaining efficient service. The admin app feature plays an important role to make sure the services are running smoothly and efficiently. Some of the features that can come in handy for the food ordering app builder are written down below.

Registration and Managing Profile

For all three food delivery apps, the registration process is alike. Logically the admin will need to complete the registration process. Note: For the aggregator model that list different restaurants for the customers, you may need this feature.

Assigning orders

The must-have feature for assigning orders. With this feature, you or the restaurant can use the admin panel and allocate order requests to delivery personnel.


Another prominent feature to run services efficiently and manage your restaurants better. What’s more? You can get a quick view of the orders, deliveries and payments on the dashboard. The feature helps to manage your business much more efficiently.

Delivery or Valet-Specific App

Another important food ordering app feature- is the valet or delivery person. Your app must include features for the delivery guy as to make the order in time.

Registering and Customizing Profile

The very first step for the delivery guy is to register himself and complete the process as soon as possible. The person can customize the profile as or whenever want to do so. The restaurant and food delivery service can assist to complete the verification process. After this the personnel can start receiving orders and delivering them rightly. For example, DoorDash has its own delivery guys known as dashers.

Handling Orders

Food delivery app feature to efficiently check out the order requests so they can quickly accept or reject new calls. Hence making it convenient for them to manage all orders.

Tracking GPS and Navigation

For the delivery guy its an important to get the accurate delivery location. Navigation and GPS tracking plays an imperative role here. The personnel with this feature assistance can deliver the order at the right time.

Source: https://www.agicent.com/blog/features-of-food-delivery-app/

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