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Best Dental Braces in Gurgaon and Delhi - The Dental Roots

The Dental Roots
Best Dental Braces in Gurgaon and Delhi - The Dental Roots

The Dental Roots is a dental clinic that offers a wide range of dental treatment services, including dental braces in Gurgaon and South Delhi. Dental braces are the best solutions that are used to align and straighten teeth, as well as to correct bite issues. At The Dental Roots, the orthodontic team will assess your dental needs and recommend the best type of dental braces for you. We offer both traditional metal braces as well as more discreet options such as ceramic braces and lingual braces.

At The Dental Roots, the orthodontic team will assess your dental needs and recommend the best type of braces for you. They offer both traditional metal braces as well as more discreet options such as ceramic braces and lingual braces (braces that are attached to the back of the teeth). Braces are commonly used to correct crooked, crowded, or spaced teeth, as well as bite issues such as overbite, underbite, and crossbite. They are typically worn for a period of one to three years, depending on the severity of the case and the individual patient's needs.

The duration of treatment with braces can vary depending on the severity of the dental issues being corrected but typically lasts between 1–3 years. During this time, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene and attend regular appointments with the orthodontist to ensure that treatment is progressing as planned.

Overall, dental braces can be an effective way to improve the appearance and function of your teeth, and The Dental Roots can provide expert care throughout the treatment process. We perfect your smile with love, braces, and aligners.

The Dental Roots
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