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Freeskout Makeover revealed

Freeskout Makeover revealed

Freeskout's rebranding represents a significant milestone for the company, reflecting its growth and evolution over the years. The company is thrilled to announce this new chapter in its journey, which is marked by a refreshed perspective and innovative strategies. The rebranding is expected to benefit the brand and offer new business opportunities for influencers. 


As a leading influencer marketing platform, Freeskout is committed to providing comprehensive and holistic solutions for its clients. The company's new tagline, "360 degree influencer marketing platform," embodies this commitment, reflecting its dedication to delivering end-to-end solutions that enable clients to maximize their influencer campaigns' impact. 


Freeskout is also thrilled to unveil its new brand colors, Viva magenta, a vibrant shade that symbolizes support, inspiration, harmony, balance, and rationality. This color not only represents the brand's vision and values but also the color of the year 2023. The new look is expected to refresh and energize Freeskout's brand identity, setting the stage for exciting growth and development.


Futura was chosen to be the font for this rebranding. Futura is distinct from other fonts due to its originality and adaptability. Although it was created using a modern philosophical paradigm, its geometric form also manages to balance the characters' wit and elegance. Its elegant philosophy also makes it perfect for the rebranding.


Freeskout's rebranding represents an exciting new chapter in our journey, and we are confident that it will position us as a leader in the industry. We look forward to exploring new business opportunities, expanding our reach, and continuing to provide innovative and effective influencer marketing solutions for our clients. At Freeskout, we understand the power of influencer marketing and its ability to help brands reach their target audiences authentically and effectively. As such, we remain committed to delivering authentic and engaging content that resonates with our clients' target audiences. 

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