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What are the Professional Steps to Building Railroad Tie Retaining Walls?

Jim Gardner Construction

Retaining walls are necessary if there is any slope near your property. These barrier walls will protect your property landscape very well. Retaining walls are made using different materials like concrete or cement, etc. A retaining wall can also be made using old or new railroad ties. And, for some people, it is easy to come across railroad ties in nearby. If you have access to railroad ties, then here are a few steps that you can follow to build a durable railroad tie retaining walls.

Important Tips for Building Railroad Tie Retaining Walls

Tamp Down and Level the Area:

The first thing that you can do is to level the area where you will be building your retaining wall. Then tamp down the dirt to minimize shifting of the wall.

Cut to Make a Snug Fit for the Ties:

After leveling the ground, cut the area so that the railroad ties fit in perfect and nicely. Make sure to make the area deeper than the ties so that you can fill the area with a layer of gravel.

Add Gravel:

After making a nice area, add a foundational layer of gravel. Doing this will allow the water flowing down the landscape to seep into the gravel instead of bulging out your wall. This can be very helpful, especially for the residential drainage system.

Leveling the first Railroad Tie:

After laying down the gravel and tamped down, level the first railroad tie in the wall. It is a very important step because an error in this step will be reflected with the increasing height of the railroad tie retaining wall.

Drill Holes in the Ties:

In this step, you have to drill some holes in the ties in order to pound the pins down. Make the hole size the same as the size of the pins or slightly bigger.

Jim Gardner Construction
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