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Decorate your home with beautiful plants from the best online nurseries!

The Green Corner
Decorate your home with beautiful plants from the best online nurseries!

Plants can add fresh energy to your space and help enhance your productivity. Undoubtedly, they are one of the most beautiful and live decorative items that even professionals rely on; when it comes to interior designing. The bright green leaves or the multi-coloured flowers will make you happy, reducing stress and anxiety. If you are a newbie gardener, you can start with just one or two plants. As you develop your gardening skills, you can create your mini balcony garden and bring the freshness of the outdoors in. The top nurseries have a vast collection of nice plants for garden. So, reach out to them now and get detailed information about their products and services. 

Wall planters: A boon for urban gardeners!

If gardening is your hobby, you will enjoy spending your leisure; playing with dirt and greens. But for city dwellers, having a large garden full of various plants is a distant dream. Worry not! Attractive Wall planters from the leading online plant shops can save the game, giving your balcony or indoor space an embellished look. The following are some planter ideas to make your balcony garden a treat for the eyes:

·        Terracotta Planters: These planters are highly porous, losing water very quickly. Hence, they are the best option to seek if you opt for dry-soil plants like succulents and cacti.

·        Ceramic Planters: Available in various sizes and designs, these planters will add to your home or workspace decoration. Just put the plants into these planters and see how it creates magic in your indoor space.

·        Plastic Planters: These planters have lucrative designs. That is why they are always in demand amongst gardeners. Besides, they are easy to maintain and are available at a budget-friendly price range.

·        Metal Planters: These planters are the most durable of all. They are sturdy enough and come in different attractive shapes and sizes. However, without proper galvanisation, these planters are susceptible to rust.


Air Plants: What are they?

As the name suggests, air plants are those groups of plants that can survive without any soil. Belonging to the species Bromeliaceae, these plants thrive in a humid environment, drawing proper nutrients from the surrounding air. If you are looking for an air plant in Singapore, the leading nurseries will provide you with a mind-blowing collection. Here are the air plant care instructions you must adhere to:

·        These plants grow under the canopy of large trees wherefrom they get filtered sunlight. Hence, keep the plants under artificial light or near a curtained window to ensure their utmost good health.

·        Water containing organic matter is highly nutritious for air plants. You can soak the plants in water once a week. But some varieties cannot retain water for long and require frequent misting.

·        Another vital factor guaranteeing the growth of the air plants is the temperature. Remember, these plants require high humidity to thrive properly. Hence, if you belong from a cold country, you must regulate your room temperature to aid the air plant to survive.



The renowned online plant shops are a one-stop solution for all your gardening-related needs. They offer various gardening essentials like top-quality fertilisers, gardening soil, planters and many more at a reasonable cost. Visit the website of these reputed nurseries to explore their myriad collection before placing an order.

The Green Corner
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