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What is the rule and regulation for Mcdvoice.com?

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What is the rule and regulation for Mcdvoice.com?

We’ve researched and compiled the most up-to-date rules and regulations for Mcdvoice.com, the official McDonald’s customer satisfaction survey website. In this article, we’ll cover all aspects of the site’s rules and regulations, including its privacy policy, terms and conditions, and guidelines for participating in the survey.

Mcdvoice.com Privacy Policy

Mcdvoice.com respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. The website collects certain information such as your name, contact information, and survey responses to provide you with better customer service. However, it does not disclose or sell your personal information to third parties without your consent.

Terms and Conditions

By using Mcdvoice.com, you agree to the website’s terms and conditions. The website states that you must be a legal resident of the United States or Canada and at least 15 years old to participate in the survey. You may only complete the survey once per receipt, and the receipt must not be more than 7 days old. Additionally, the survey code is only valid for 7 days from the date of purchase.

Guidelines for Participating in the Survey

To participate in the Mcdvoice.com survey, you must have a valid receipt from a McDonald’s purchase. The receipt will contain a unique survey code that you must enter to begin the survey. Once you have completed the survey, you will receive a validation code that you can use to redeem the offer printed on your receipt.

Mcdvoice.com is a legitimate and secure website that values your privacy and provides you with an opportunity to provide feedback to McDonald’s. By following the guidelines and terms and conditions, you can participate in the survey and receive a validation code to redeem the offer on your receipt. We hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of the rules and regulations for Mcdvoice.com.

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