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Reasons Corporates Celebrate Award Ceremonies at Function Venues

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Reasons Corporates Celebrate Award Ceremonies at Function Venues

Events are best managed when they have a theme. Themes help create a cohesive event and make it memorable for participants. Incorporating award ceremonies in your corporate events at Function Venues Hawthorn can help add fun and excitement to the program. You may be wondering if an awards ceremony is right for your next company event? Here are 5 reasons why corporates celebrate award ceremonies at function venues:

Space flexibility

The amount of space available for your event is important, as it will determine how many people you can accommodate and what activities can be held at your function venue.

Function Venues Hawthorn often offer different sizes of rooms that can be used for different purposes.

Another thing worth keeping in mind is layout: some function venues may have rooms with curved walls or unusual shapes which might limit their useable area; while others might have more traditional rectangular layouts that are easier

Available on-site amenities

There are a number of on-site amenities that function venues provide, which can be rented out for an event. For example, ballrooms and meeting rooms are available at most venues. In addition to these spaces, many corporate award ceremonies also include a bar or restaurant where guests can relax before or after the ceremony.

Function Venues Hawthorn

Accessibility for everyone

All events are accessible to all. This means that you can choose a venue that caters to your needs, whether it's wheelchair access or baby changing facilities.

Allergens are highlighted on menus, so everyone can enjoy the same meal without worrying about allergies or dietary restrictions.

High chairs and booster seats are available for children who need them (and we all know how much kids love eating!), as well as special menus for kids' parties so parents don't have to worry about what their little ones will eat!

Fresh and tasty menu options

Your guests will be delighted by the fresh and tasty menu options available at your function venue. With an extensive range of menu choices, you can customize your menu to suit your needs. We also offer a variety of dietary requirements, so there is something for everyone! Our healthy, nutritious meals are sure to please even the pickiest eater.

Whether you're looking for finger food or formal dinner service, we'll help create a delicious meal that will leave everyone feeling satisfied (and ready for another round).


The corporate industry is often viewed as a place where creativity and innovation are stifled by bureaucracy and red tape. However, events such as these can be an excellent opportunity to showcase how your company is embracing new ways of doing things. By choosing the best Function Venues Hawthorn with plenty of space and options, you can ensure that everyone has the chance to have fun while also learning something new about themselves or their colleagues.

Source : https://boxhillgolfclub.wordpress.com/2023/04/12/reasons-corporates-celebrate-award-ceremonies-at-function-venues/


boxhill golfclub
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