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Space-Optimizing Ideas for Small-Sized Spaces

Space-Optimizing Ideas for Small-Sized Spaces

Space-Optimizing Ideas for Small-Sized Spaces

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If you live in a smaller apartment or house, you know the struggle of running out of storage space. The problem is that shelves and drawers fill up rapidly. You'll have to be inventive with where you keep stuff after you've exhausted all the storage options in your cramped quarters. You can also take help from a construction company in this regard. We've compiled a list of seven of our favorite ways to make the most of limited storage space to aid in your cleaning efforts.

Collapsible kitchenware will save up room in the kitchen.

Bowls and pans, although stackable, nonetheless take up valuable storage space in the kitchen. The dilemma of the cook. Foldable kitchen gadgets are now available. Colanders, measuring cups, and bowls are the most common types of collapsible kitchen equipment, but any item that can be stored more compactly is welcome.

Use hooks to make the most of your wall space. 

With the help of a few hooks, you can convert otherwise wasted wall space into useful storage for your clothing, kitchenware, and bathroom accessories. Putting your unused wall space to good use might free up valuable floor space.

Make your existing furniture multifunctional.

If you have furniture that you love but don't want to replace, look into ways to put it to more than one use. Make do with a console table or sofa table in the foyer instead of a traditional desk. Or use a desk as a make-up table. When entertaining, you may even transform a pair of matching desks or tables into a dining table. Imagine it, and it may be real. 

Get a sofa sleeve to protect your arms.

Coffee tables are a must-have for every living area, but they may take up a lot of room. Sleeves for a couch may double as end tables, saving valuable square footage. Couch sleeves provide a solid surface to rest your arm, drink, book, or remote on by enveloping the armrest with a firm material. You can get rid of that huge, inconvenient coffee table. 

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