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5 Amazing Micro Frontend Frameworks for Pro Programmers

Kane Jason
5 Amazing Micro Frontend Frameworks for Pro Programmers

In 2023, micro frontend frameworks are poised to take center stage, offering developers increased performance, flexibility, and scalability. According to a report, the global Microservices Architecture Market is projected to grow from $5.9 billion in 2020 to $21.1 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 28.3%. This growth is expected to be driven by the adoption of micro frontend architecture in the development of modern web and mobile applications. So let’s dive in and explore the future of frontend development with 5 top micro frontend frameworks for 2023.

5. Single-SPA Framework

Single-SPA, or Single Page Application, is a framework that allows developers to build web applications as a collection of micro frontends. It allows developers to use different frameworks and libraries for different parts of the application, making it easier to customize and update the application over time.

4. Piral Framework

Piral is a powerful open-source framework for building modular, extensible, and scalable web applications. It is designed to support the concept of micro frontends, allowing developers to build web applications as a collection of modular components that can be developed and deployed independently.

3. Luigi Framework

Luigi is “the enterprise-ready micro frontend framework” that helps build modular, extensible, scalable, and consistent UIs and Web Apps. It follows a declarative approach to UI composition, where each micro frontend declares its dependencies on other micro frontends, and the framework takes care of resolving and loading these dependencies.

You still have two more — unlock them (there is a lot to learn about Micro Frontend!): https://bit.ly/3A7QAtV 🚀

Kane Jason
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