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How to Insulate Your Loft

How to Insulate Your Loft

Did you know that a quarter of the heat in your home is lost through the roof*, if it is not properly insulated? Insulating your loft is a simple and effective way to help to reduce the heat that is lost through your roof, as well as help you to reduce your heating bills. There will be no need to keep your heating on for a long time if the heat stays in the home more efficiently. how to insulate your loft is an effective process that can last for a long time, and as a result, pays for itself several times over.

Why You Should Have Loft Insulation?

To understand why you should insulate your loft, you need to know how does loft insulation work? The benefits of loft insulation is something that will be seen all year long, helping your home to retain heat in the cold months, and by using the right kind of materials for the insulation, can help to keep a cool home in the warmer months. The overall benefit of this is that you will see a significant saving on your energy bills. Spray loft insulation is something that can be installed on a roof that slopes, over or between rafters, as well as a ceiling level and over joists. The choice of where to insulate does depend on the space that you have and how the space is used.

The main benefits of loft insulation are improving the energy efficiency of the home, reducing your bills, reducing your home’s carbon footprint, and helping to increase the value of the home. It can also help to reduce internal noise, which is helpful when you have neighbours, as well as a busy household.

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