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Things One Should Know Before Calling IRS

Things One Should Know Before Calling IRS

You are among the million people who need to call IRS. However, before calling them you should know the details thoroughly. The general IRS number might not serve your purpose that’s why you need to call the specific number. In case you are calling Alabama IRS about a notice, call the number on the notice. In case you don’t have a notice you can:

• Browse through the IRS to find the number

• Take the assistance of tax pro with a dedicated practitioner line

• Call the general number

Apart from the waiting time of an automated phone tree, the representative might divert the call to IRS.gov. This article highlights the four facts to offer you a seamless calling experience:

There could be an easier way to get your requirement.

Understand What You Can Achieve With a Call

The IRS expects you to know the basic information and use IRS.gov as the primary resource. Hence, the IRS won’t handle the following things:

Tax Services queries

• Transcript request 9 as you can know about this through an automated phone tree)

• IRS form

• Refund status, in case the status is been 21 days from filing

• Complaints of high taxes

Now, take a look at the list of things you can enquire on an IRS phone call

The following things could be productive:

• If you receive an IRS notice

• You are about to miss the tax deadline and want to request more time to pay off a tax balance

• If you want to know about the refund

• Want to enquire about the tax payoff amount

• Have doubts about one IRS payment plan

• Want to know the status of the IRS action

• Want to know if the IRS amount is received

• You have lost and haven’t received the W-2 form

Make Sure To Call at the Best Time

As a general rule of thumb mornings are the best time to make a call. Always try to call early in the morning. The average wait time is around 15 to 27 minutes. In general, the wait time is higher at the beginning of the week or when the deadline is close.

Make Sure To Be Prepared With All the Potential Question

First, you should prove your identity with your name and Social Security Number. Then you need to be prepared with the correct tax return information that includes:

• Name

• Date of birth

• SSNs on return

• Possible information from one of the information statement

• The letter or notice sent by IRS

When you call the Alabama IRS it is ideal to have the last return file along with you. In case you are calling for any other individual, he/she should be present there. In order to authorize the call on behalf of others ask them to fill out Form 8821.

Wrapping Up

To make the call more effective you can write down the questions ahead of time and take a record of the IRS representative.

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