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How To Jailbreak Your Iphone: Step-by-Step Guide in 2022

How To Jailbreak Your Iphone: Step-by-Step Guide in 2022

As Apple has always prioritised security and data privacy, iOS is more secure than any other operating system. Apple has evolved as a worldwide leader in the smartphone market as a result of its ongoing commitment to data privacy and security. However, because Apple does not permit the installation of third-party programmes, consumers are limited to what is available in the App Store. Apple has too many restrictions on its devices and restricts your ability to customise your iOS until you Jailbreak it

What is Jailbreaking?

In general, Apple does not allow you to run unrecognised software that is not officially sanctioned by the company. Jailbreaking your iPhone eliminates all constraints from your device and allows you to do whatever you want with it. Basically, jailbreaking necessitates the installation of an application that allows you to execute jailbreak apps, customisation, and so on.

After jailbreaking, you may install third-party apps from third-party app stores like as Cydia, and you can also customise your iPhone’s UI and functionality to suit your needs.

Safety Warning/ Prerequisites

  • Backup your data before starting the jailbreaking process.
  • This process is safe but can brick your device that means you device could go completely dead.
  • Jailbreaking your device can void your device warranty/guarantee.

Jailbreak any older Iphone with any iOS version

Step 1:- Download Checkrain from - chekra.in

Step 2:- Install it on your PC and open it.

Step 3:- Disable your face ID and connect you iPhone to you Mac using USB/TYPE -C to lightning Cable.

Step 4:- Checkra1n will automatically detect your iPhone and show you whether your device is supported or not.

Step 5:- Begin the jailbreaking process by clicking on the start button.

Step 6:- It will ask you to put your iPhone into ‘DFU mode’. You can do this by holding the side & volume down button together for at least 10 seconds. When the Apple logo appears, release the home/side button but continue holding the volume button for another 5 seconds.

Step 7:- Once the Jailbreak Process has been completed, checkerain loader app will be installed on your device.

Step 8:- Go to the checkra1n app and tap on Cydia. You may use Cydia to install additional applications and tools for your jailbroken smartphone.

Jailbreak newer iPhone Models

Step 1: If you’re using a Windows PC, ensure that you have the most recent version of iTunes downloaded and installed.

Step 2: Connect your iPhone to your Mac or PC using a USB-to-Lightning cable.

Step 3: Download and install 3u tools from 3u.com

Step 4: Open 3u Application by launching it from Finder or the Windows Start menu.

Step 5: Find Jailbreak service on 3uTools Toolbox.

Step 6: Select the jailbreak method which is available there for your device. Unc0ver works best with most of the devices.

Step 7: Enter your Apple ID and password when requested, click install.

Step 8: When the jailbreak process is completed, go to your profile section in your device settings and trust the profile.

Step 9. After that, open Unc0ver app from your device and Click on “ Jailbreak “ button and wait for the process to be completed.

Step 10:- Reboot your device and Boom , your device is now jailbreaked successfully , install cydia and Enjoy

Blog Source : https://detoxtechnologies.com/how-to-jailbreak-your-iphone/

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