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Hair treatment at Le Jeune

Rishika Roy
Hair treatment at Le Jeune

Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) is a treatment used in trichology to treat hair loss, hair growth, cosmetic skin conditions, acne scar treatment, antiaging and more. PRP stimulates the body’s natural healing mechanism by releasing growth factors. Often, a patient using PRP can avoid more invasive procedures such as hair transplants and as hair loss treatment in Bangalore, you can be found easily.

What is PRP?

PRP, or platelet-rich plasma therapy, is a relatively simple, non-surgical treatment method that uses the latest technology and the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Platelet Rich Plasma is made from your own blood and is therefore very natural with no added chemicals. Your blood is first drawn and then spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma. Platelets contain growth hormones that promote growth and healing. When PRP is injected into thinning areas of hair, it stimulates new growth, increases density, thickens the diameter of existing follicles, and strengthens the roots, all in a new healing cycle that allows new cells to grow and blood circulation to be restored.

Potential benefits

PRP in Banglore, improves healing, promotes new growth, tightens the diameter of existing follicles, strengthens roots and prevents hair loss. It is also used on the face to treat acne scars and reduce lines and wrinkles. It is often proven to be an effective and natural alternative to drugs and hair transplants. Patients can expect a significant improvement in hair density.

Laser treatment

Laser hair removal is, therefore, the first option for permanent removal for women with polycystic ovarian disease, where hormonal disturbances cause excessive hair growth. It remains one of the most permanent and cost-effective treatments among all hair procedures.

Laser hair removal has come a long way. Today, we have painless super laser hair removal in Bangalore that is not only painless but also fast and very effective. The laser destroys the hair because the laser energy absorbs the melanin pigment in the hair, which heats up and destroys the roots. Over time, after 6–8 sessions, hair grows back significantly and permanently by 80% or more. Laser hair removal is also safely performed on armpits and private areas, upper lips, etc. Not only women but also men support this treatment today. They often seek hair removal on the upper cheeks, underarms, chest and back.

Rishika Roy
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