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From Scratch: How To Make A DIY Neon Sign

Annabel Monaghan
From Scratch: How To Make A DIY Neon Sign

Neon signs can be expensive, but why pay the high price when you can create your own? Making a DIY neon sign is easy and fun, and you'll be able to show off your creation with pride. This blog post will provide step-by-step instructions on how to make a neon sign from scratch. From gathering the right materials to wiring up the sign, you'll learn everything you need to know about constructing your own custom neon sign.

What You'll Need

  • Neon tubes (in desired colours)
  • Glass tubing cutter
  • Clear acrylic sheet
  • Aluminium or PVC frame material
  • Electrical wiring (including transformer and plugs)
  • Adhesive tape or glue
  • Screwdriver and screws
  • Pliers and wire strippers
  • Measuring tape or ruler
  • Gloves and eye protection for safety during assembly

Making the Frame

To start making your customised neon sign, you'll need to make the frame. This can be done by using either metal or acrylic, depending on your preference. If using metal, you'll need to cut it into the shape of your desired sign and weld the corners together. If using acrylic, you can simply glue the pieces together.

Once you have your frame ready, it's time to plan out the placement of the neon tubes. Be sure to take accurate measurements to ensure that the tubes will fit perfectly within the frame. Next, drill holes into the frame where you want the tubes to go.

To protect your neon tubes and keep them in place, you'll need to install a protective cover over them.

Assembling the Neon Tubes

Once you have your neon tubes, it's time to assemble them into your desired design for your DIY neon sign. Here are the steps:

  • Lay out your neon tubes on a flat surface and plan out your design. Use a ruler or measuring tape to ensure your neon tubes are evenly spaced and lined up correctly. Use tube supports and zip ties to hold the neon tubes in place while you work. You can also use masking tape to temporarily secure the tubes in place before attaching them permanently.
  • Connect the neon tubes together using specialised connectors. These connectors come in different shapes and sizes to fit different types of neon tubing.
  • Once the tubes are connected, insert the electrodes into each end of the tubing and secure them in place. Make sure to follow the instructions that come with your neon tubes, as different brands may have different assembly processes.
  • Test your neon tubes to make sure they light up and are working correctly. This step is important before you move on to hanging your neon sign.

Tip: If your neon tubes are not lighting up, double-check that all connections are secure and that the electrodes are inserted properly.

Hanging Your Neon Sign

Once your neon sign is complete, it's time to hang it up. Here's how:

  • Determine where you want to hang your sign. It should be in a visible location and secured properly to avoid any accidents.
  • If your sign is heavy, use heavy-duty hardware like anchors or brackets to ensure it stays in place.
  • Use a level to make sure your sign is straight before drilling any holes.
  • If you want to hide any cords or wires, consider running them through a channel or conduit.
Annabel Monaghan
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