ISO auditors play essential roles in any organization. They are trained to identify weaknesses within an organization and provide recommendations for improvements. Additionally, they create audits to evaluate, verify, and confirm processes related to the security, safety, and quality of products and services and assess a corporation’s procedures and operations against industry standards. An ISO certification takes a minimum of six months to a year to register. It’s a multi-step process that teaches all the basics. Nonetheless, a good IOS needs basic knowledge, as well as critical skills, to succeed. Finding good finance internships can help you gain first-hand experience in the field, furthering your understanding of your duties and responsibilities as an ISO auditor. Furthermore, here are some skills that are introduced when obtaining the qualifications for an IOS auditor.
1) Critical thinking
According to the global internal audit common body knowledge (CBOK) study notes, “Critical thinking is the most sought-after skill by internal audit hiring managers, but generally, it is learned on the job through dedicated feedback and coaching from internal audit leaders.”
Most organizations consider critical thinking a crucial skill because it is often needed to provide insight that helps manage better risks and create a sustainable environment. This type of thinking requires the auditor to step outside of their own bias in order to view all perspectives, question the validity of each, and make a sound judgment.
2) Communication skills
An essential skill for auditors is being an effective communicator. According to Dr. Gene Smith, auditors need to have excellent communication skills in order to succeed and advance in the changing, complex international global marketplace.
Auditors must be able to clearly express their ideas, thoughts, and suggestions during interviews, presentations, meetings, and negotiations with clients.
As you climb up the ladder in your career, it becomes more important to gain better communication skills. This involves learning how to respond to the different communication styles of others, maintain poise, get your message across, and project your town opinions with an air of professionalism. Additionally, the importance of non-verbal communication and teamwork improvement techniques are just as crucial for audit reporting to board directors and shareholders
3) Curiosity
Curiosity means that these practitioners have the drive to dig into the problems in their field in pursuit of an answer and solution. As explained by the Vice president of internal audit and compliance for Home Depot, Kelly Barrett,’ We want people who have a passion for truly understanding the business and a knack for remaining inquisitive within environments that can change on a weekly or even daily basis,”
While a level of skepticism is needed for a thriving auditor, it must be balanced with an open mind to make informed judgments and decisions while conducting audit plans.
4) Initiative
In any career, employers want to know that their employees are eager to learn and improve. They value those who take the time to advance themselves and their knowledge. The willingness to take ownership of their profession and success is crucial for developing audit skills and earning more.
To improve yourself in your occupation, you can read trade publications to keep yourself informed about the latest legal changes and regulations that might affect your company. You can even take ISO 9001 auditor training course and get more qualifications if you have the time.
5) Business Acumen
Today’s auditors do not need to know just about the numbers but also what role they play and why it’s important in the company. Industry knowledge and keeping on top of the latest policies can help you work better as an auditor. Some forms of business acumen come with experience as an auditor or by staying up to date about industry trends. You can also gain more knowledge by asking informed questions to those with more experience or your superiors.
ISO auditors are vital in companies. They play an essential role in the development of a company by providing independent and objective assessments of company activities. To put it in perspective, their job is to spot problems and advance remedies that ensure the company prospers and complies with the relevant ISO standards.
As you spend more time in the occupation, you’ll be able to advance and hone your skills with practice and experience.