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The Success Story Of The On-demand Meat Delivery App Licious

The Success Story Of The On-demand Meat Delivery App Licious

Grocery Delivery App

In recent years, grocery delivery apps have become increasingly popular, allowing customers to conveniently shop for a variety of items and have them delivered to their doorstep. One of the leading apps that has seen immense success in this space is Licious, an on-demand meat delivery app that provides customers with fresh, quality meat delivered right to their doors. Founded in 2015 by Vivek Gupta and Abhay Hanjura, Licious first started out as an online marketplace specialized in fresh meat delivery in Bangalore, India. Since then, the company has grown exponentially, having now expanded its reach to more than ten cities in India, as well as Shanghai, China.

Licious provides customers with a wide variety of high-quality and hygienic meats including chicken, seafood, red meat, and more. All of their products are sourced from trusted sources and are checked for quality before they are delivered to customers. Additionally, the meats come pre-packed and pre-cleaned so that customers can enjoy their meals with minimal prep-time.

On the consumer side, the app features an easy-to-use interface that allows users to quickly browse through their selection of products and add items to their cart. Prices are easily visible while customers are browsing, so they know exactly how much they are spending. Additionally, customers can customize their order (for example, they can choose what size, or how much, of each item they would like to order) to ensure that their order is tailored to their specific needs. The checkout process is also streamlined, allowing consumers to pay for their order quickly and securely. Finally, all orders are delivered on a scheduled basis, allowing consumers to expect their order when it is most convenient for them.

Fresh Meat Delivery

Licious’ success in delivering fresh and high-quality products is due in part to their emphasis on customer feedback. The company regularly collects customer feedback and uses it to improve their products and services. For example, in 2020, after receiving customer feedback indicating that customers wanted more delivery options, the company launched its express delivery service, allowing customers to receive their order within an hour. Additionally, the company also rolled out their two-hour delivery window with their ‘NO TIME WAIT’ option. This feature allows customers to avoid wasting time waiting for their order and gives them the peace of mind that their order will arrive in a timely manner.

Apart from providing high-quality products and a convenient delivery service, Licious also takes customer safety very seriously. All of their products are sourced from trusted sources and are processed in a safe and hygienic environment. Additionally, they regularly carry out checks to ensure that their products are of the highest quality. Furthermore, their customer service team is friendly and helpful and is always ready to help customers with any queries or concerns they may have about their order. This commitment to customer safety and satisfaction is what has made Licious a success in the grocery delivery app market.

In conclusion, Licious is one of the most successful on-demand meat delivery apps in the market. They have seen remarkable success due to their emphasis on providing customers with high-quality products, a convenient delivery service, and a commitment to customer safety and satisfaction. This customer-centric approach is what has made Licious a favorite among customers, and set them apart from other competing apps in the market.

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