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Coinbase won't let me cash out - Causes and its Solutions

Coinbase won't let me cash out - Causes and its Solutions

There is no denying that Coinbase offers a large variety of advanced features to users, making it stand out among the other platforms. But it could be better.

But it could be better. Everything has a flaw in it, hence Coinbase also has one. Users have been complaining that “Coinbase won't let me cash out”. 

The ones who have faced this issue must be interested in knowing about the reason for this. 

In this blog, we will tell you about its causes and the steps that could be taken to resolve the problem.

Why did this problem arise?

If asked an expert about the problem of Coinbase won't let me cash out - he will tell you some of the following mentioned reasons for its happening:

Exceeding withdrawal limits

Coinbase has already defined the daily withdrawal limit for everyone and if you try to exceed this limit then it is guaranteed that you will receive this message.

Not abiding by the policies

You are not abiding by the policies that have been laid out by the Coinbase. It might be unintentional but these small mistakes can make you cause a lot.

Incomplete ID Verification

If you are using this exchange for a long time without completing your identity verification and then suddenly requested a high amount of withdrawal. In this case, without your identity verification, the amount will not be approved for withdrawal.

Network is Congested

The most common reason that could have occurred is that you are using the platform during the rush hour. During this time, it is quite obvious that there are high chances of your transaction getting stuck.

Remedies to Eliminate the Problem

After getting to know about the root causes of the problem it is mandatory to provide you with the solutions also. Given below is the list of those solutions that you can try to undertake and see if your issue with Coinbase won't let me cash out resolves or not.

  • Before making a transaction, keep an eye on your daily withdrawal limit.
  • Make sure that the wallet address entered is correct. 
  • Check that it is not against any of the Coinbase applied policies. 
  • Check the status of the page, if it is down then wait for some time.
  • Make sure that you have completed your identity verification process. 
  • Ensure that the withdrawal amount is not below the minimum withdrawal amount. 

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