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Pickering Windows & Doors

Sharon Webber
Pickering Windows & Doors

Pickering Windows & Doors provides highly affordable and professional house door installation. No matter what type of door you need, we have expert servicemen who have the necessary technical expertise to get the work done efficiently. We also specialize in the installation and repair of sliding windows.

Some jobs are challenging, some projects are less demanding but all window & doors installation Pickering Ontario services assigned to our company are completed to perfection. We wouldn't settle for anything less than that! Would you? Let us assure you. With Pickering Windows & Doors by your side, you don't have to make any compromises. 

We offer durable and beautiful doors and windows in Pickering, customer service beyond all expectations, products for all budgets, installers highly dependable. You have nothing to worry about. Neither about the Pickering window and door installation nor the stellar quality of the products. And these are only a few of the benefits you get by trusting our door and window installation Pickering team. 

You lift no finger when you assign the window or door installation Pickering service to our company. You just share your plans with our team. You tell us what you want, what you dream, what is it that you need. You see, you may not want a new window installation but an existing window replaced. You may not want some doors installed at your home but at your business. Or you may not need door installation at all. You might need door repair or replacement service. Isn't it nice that our company can help with all the above?

The important thing is that we help from the moment we first speak to the completion of the door replacement or window installation service. Surely, maximizing customer satisfaction is top priority at our company. But helping the customer get the right door or window for their home is also on the top of our must-do list. We don't let you hanging, choose at random. Have no doubt about the quality of all Pickering windows and doors our company provides. But they are not all a perfect fit for all buildings. And so, our assistance goes a long way. 

Phone 647-477-4366

Sharon Webber
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