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Anoma Foundation raises $25 million to develop its blockchain.

Kevin Tyles
Anoma Foundation raises $25 million to develop its blockchain.

Following a successful funding round, Anoma Foundation managed to secure $25 million. A sum that will be very useful to him in his quest to develop a new blockchain architecture.

Anoma Foundation is a Swiss non-profit organization managing the architecture of the Anoma blockchain and that of the level 1 blockchain Namada.

The new Anoma Foundation project

During an interview with several crypto magazines, officials of the Swiss foundation Anoma announced that they had obtained significant funding. The latter will allow them to continue creating and researching a third-generation blockchain architecture.

This is the third fundraiser through which the foundation has received $25 million. According to the organization's officials, the funding will be used to build an intent-centric blockchain architecture.

This technology should facilitate the development of fully decentralized applications and services (dApps). We can therefore find decentralized exchange platforms (DEX) and blockchain rollup protocols.

For Anoma co-founder Adrian Brink, the blockchain's third-generation architecture will offer greater usability than existing smart contract protocols like Ethereum and its Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

During the interview, Brink aired what he believed to be the logical evolution of blockchain systems. According to the latter, Bitcoin is based on the first generation of blockchain architectures. The creation of Ethereum advanced the technology and became the second generation with a more modular architecture.

We have now come to Anoma, which aims to deepen the decentralization of existing applications and platforms based on its protocol. Thus Brink that the difference between Anoma from others is that it is intent-centric, while architectures are more transaction-centric.

An innovative idea supported by many investors

When we consider the reactions to the various fundraisers carried out by Anoma Foundation, we see that its ambitions succeed in the interest of the crypto community.

For Brink, the main design principle of Anoma relies exclusively on the intention of individuals. The blockchain can accommodate fully decentralized versions of existing apps through this principle.

He cited, in particular, NFT marketplaces like OpenSea and exchanges with centralized components and limited settlement functions on the ordinary chain.

Also, among the investors, there are renowned names such as Electric Capital, Delphi Digital, Dialectic, KR1, Spartan, NGC, MH Ventures, Bixin Ventures, No Limit, Plassa, Perridon Ventures, Anagram and even Factor.

This is not the first time Anoma Foundation has organized a fundraising campaign. In November 2021, when the crypto market was at its peak, the organization had already raised $26 million in a funding round led by Polychain Capital.

Kevin Tyles
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