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Understanding Principal Component Analysis

Dailya Roy
Understanding Principal Component Analysis

Reduce the number of variables in a dataset using principal component analysis (PCA), a popular dimensionality reduction technique. This technique transforms a big collection of variables into a smaller set that retains much of the information in the original dataset.

In dimensionality reduction, the goal is to sacrifice some precision for convenience by cutting down on the number of variables in a data collection. Because machine learning algorithms benefit greatly from having fewer variables to consider when analyzing data points, and because smaller data sets are simpler to study and visualize the sequence.

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Explanation of PCA Step by Step

Step 1: Standardization

The range of the continuous starting variables will be standardized such that all of them contribute equally to the analysis.

Specifically, principal component analysis (PCA) is very sensitive to the variances of the starting variables, making standardization an absolute need before PCA can be used. To rephrase, the results will be skewed if the ranges of the initial variables are very different from one another. For instance, a variable with a range of 0 to 100 will have a much greater impact on the analysis than one with a range of 0 to 1. In order to avoid this issue, the data must be transformed to equivalent scales.

To achieve this mathematically, take each value of each variable and remove the mean, then divide by the standard deviation for better classification.

Principal Component Analysis Standardization After the variables have been standardized, they will all be on the same scale.


Step 2: Covariance Matrix Computation

The purpose of this stage is to investigate whether or not there is a correlation between the input data set variables and their dispersion around the mean. As a result of the significant correlation between them, variables might include duplicate information. So, we construct the covariance matrix to find these connections.

The covariance matrix is a symmetric p by p matrix (where p is the number of dimensions) with all potential covariances between the starting variables listed as entries. The covariance matrix for a data set in three dimensions with three variables x, y, and z, for instance, is a data matrix with the dimensions 3 by 3.


Three-Dimensional Data Covariance Matrix:

The variances of the original variables may be found along the major diagonal (from top left to bottom right) since the covariance of a variable with itself equals its own variance (Cov(a,a)=Var(a)). Since the covariance is commutative (Cov(a,b)=Cov(b,a)), the covariance matrix has entries that mirror images of one another along its primary diagonal.

The significance of the covariance lies in its sign:

  • If the result is positive, then there is a positive correlation between the two variables.
  • If negative, it means that when one variable changes, the other one changes for the worse.

Let's move on now that we know the covariance matrix is just a table listing all the correlations that may exist between any two variables.


Step 3: Compute the Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues of the Covariance Matrix to Identify the Principal Components

To extract the primary components of the data, we must use linear algebra principles of eigenvectors and eigenvalues to analyze the covariance matrix. Let's start with the definition of "principal components" before diving into the discussion of these ideas.

Linear combinations or blends of the original variables are used to create new variables known as principal components. Most of the information included in the original variables is compressed into the first components, and the new variables (i.e., principal components) are uncorrelated.


Pros and Cons of Principal Component Analysis

The following are some of PCA's benefits over other dimensionality reduction methods:

  • PCA is a valuable tool for data analysis and visualization since it attempts to preserve as much of the original variety in the data as feasible.
  • Results that can be understood: the main components are just linear combinations of the original variables.
  • PCA is computationally efficient because it can be efficiently calculated and applied to big datasets.

However, PCA does have a few drawbacks:

  • This may not always be the case, however, PCA makes the assumption that the underlying structure of the data is linear.
  • When data is transformed into a lower-dimensional space, some of the original variables' interpretability may be lost.
  • The main components and the findings may be impacted by outliers in the data, and PCA is sensitive to this.


Powerful in its ability to decrease the dimensionality of big datasets while preserving as much of the original variance as feasible, principal component analysis (PCA) is a widely used statistical approach. The usage of principal component analysis (PCA) spans many different industries, from image and signal processing and genetics to banking and marketing. Exploratory data analysis and visualization are two areas where PCA shines, despite its limits.

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Dailya Roy
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