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What Are Different Cybersecurity Threats? | Cyberroot Risk Advisory

Cyberroot Risk Advisory
What Are Different Cybersecurity Threats? | Cyberroot Risk Advisory

At its most basic level, cyber security is a set of procedures and tactics implemented to safeguard a company’s vital systems and confidential data against cyber-attacks and data breaches. Through the introduction of new attack methods that incorporate AI and social engineering, cyber attacks are becoming more complex as criminals find it easier to evade traditional security safeguards. Businesses must increase their efforts in cyber security as they adopt newer technology.

Threats to cybersecurity are actions taken by someone with malicious intent in order to steal data, harm computing systems, or disrupt them. Common categories of cyber threats include malware, social engineering, man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack and more.

Different cybersecurity threats are

1. Malware Attacks

The most prevalent kind of cyberattack is known as malware, which is an acronym for "malicious software," which includes viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware, and ransomware.

2. Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering entails persuading people to act as a malware entry point. Because the attacker pretends to be a legitimate actor, the victim unknowingly gives the attacker access.3. Supply Chain Attacks

For software sellers and developers, supply chain attacks represent a novel threat. Through source code, build procedures, or software update methods, it aims to infect trustworthy apps and spread malware.

4. Attack by Man-in-the-Middle

Intercepting communication between two endpoints, such as a user and an application, is a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack. The attacker has the ability to eavesdrop on the conversation, take confidential information, and imitate the identity of each party.


As we have mentioned above, there are certain types of cyberattacks possible with respect to the business one hold. Business needs to take care and implement proper safety measure in order to remove and avoid such cyber threats.

Cyberroot Risk Advisory
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