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How to Prepare for a Swamp Adventure

Swamp Fever
How to Prepare for a Swamp Adventure

Here’s a list of what to bring for a worry-free and adventure-filled swamp tour.

Poncho or Umbrella

If you're on a budget, come prepared with your own ponchos or umbrellas to avoid buying one in the gift shop. It also comes in handy just in case the weather won't cooperate.


Bring a camera, the waterproof kind. You can also use your smartphone to take pictures, just put it in a waterproof casing. Have them fully charged and ready for a lot of picture-taking. It would be nicer to reminisce on your swamp adventure with loads of pictures to look at.

Insect Repellant Spray or Lotion

Mosquitos and other bugs biting tourists have never been a big issue in swamp tours. But some people are more prone to insect or bug bites than others. If you are one of them, bring an insect repellant spray or lotion with you. The mosquito population is well kept to a minimum in this area because they serve as food to other animals in the wild.

Sunblock or Sunscreen

Have fun without worrying about getting sunburnt after. Protect your skin from the harmful UV rays and leave the sunbathing to the gators.


It won't hurt to have some spare cash with you. Buy snacks and drinks before riding the boat. It's also nice to tip your captain or tour guide if you enjoyed the tour and feel extra generous.

What to Wear on a Swamp Adventure

You can be all stylish in your swamp adventure for the pictures, but you better come in comfortable, weather-appropriate and quick-drying clothes, just in case you get a little wet. 

The speeding boat can make you feel cold, so a light jacket will be a good idea. If you are going for a winter swamp adventure, come in pants and some thicker clothes. Wear closed shoes as well for an easier boarding to the boat. If it's sunny, wear your favorite sunglasses to complete your swamp adventure get-up.

The Best Time for a Swamp Adventure

The best time for a swamp adventure is now. It doesn't matter what season it is. The people, the view and the wilderness are always ready for you. But the best view will be during the early morning or early evening with a natural warm light tone compared to midday tour schedules. Book your tour at these times so you and the swamp will be both picture-perfect.

How Long is a Swamp Adventure

Most tours take up to two hours, enough for a relaxed trip but still with a lot of captured memories to keep and bring home. 

Learn More About Swamps in Florida

If you want to know more about the swamps in Florida, join our tours at Swamp Fever Airboat Adventures. We have professional tour guides that can take you to the best areas. Call us today! 

Swamp Fever
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