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Modern Facade Fenestration: Insights from Architect Parag V. Singal

Shahzad shafique

Gain valuable insights on modern facade fenestration from renowned architect AR Parag V. Singal. Explore the latest trends, design principles, and innovative solutions that are shaping the future of fenestration in contemporary architecture.Delve into the world of modern facade fenestration through the expert perspective of AR Parag V. Singal. Discover the key considerations, design strategies, and technological advancements driving the evolution of fenestration systems for sustainable, energy-efficient, and visually captivating buildings.Uncover the secrets of modern facade fenestration as revealed by AR Parag V. Singal. Explore the integration of aesthetics, functionality, and performance in fenestration design, and gain valuable insights into the transformative impact of fenestration on architectural spaces.Façade design plays a vital role in the field of architecture. In fact, after prudent planning, a façade is the most important thing when it comes to design. Times have seen a major transformation in the way we look at façades. Today an interesting and captivating façade as much contributes to the building being classified as a great piece of architecture, as any other element of the building. Since any space or volume that we talk about gets its definition from the four vertical faces that help in confining that space, the character of those four faces and the fenestrations, etc on them majorly contribute to the overall look and feel of that space.A very important aspect that we as conscious designers need to look into is the context we are designing the building. It is much easier to ape the West and do dramatic glass façades, but the question is does our kind of climate call for it? It is imperative that we first study the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) or in simple words the fraction of solar radiation admitted through a glazing/window or perhaps a skylight designed, either directly or indirectly absorbed and subsequently transmitted to the volume of space inside the building in the form of heat. Not to forget that this solar heat gain has a direct impact on the total consumption of air-conditioning inside the building thereby adding to our costs.

Shahzad shafique
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