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What Should I Expect From A Notary Public?

Inland Mobile Notary Services
What Should I Expect From A Notary Public?

A notary public is someone who formally attests to the signatures of individuals on one or more documents whose identities the notary has confirmed. When visiting a notary public, notary public commission, or notary public site, one should plan to go through the following processes to have the document(s) verified:

A notary public is a person who formally attests to the free and willing signatures on one or more documents by one or more people whose identities the notary has verified. The signer’s signature is compared to their current legal signature to verify identity when notarising documents.

To have the document(s) verified, one can anticipate the following procedures when going to a notary in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, notary public commission, or notary public location:

Individual Data:

To confirm the identity of the signer(s) and ensure that they are whom they say they are, a notary public in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, will often request identification from them. This is typically a photo ID, though it may also be another official identification.

The Following Documents Have Attestations:

You must sign using your real name, not a nickname or alias, and only your legal name. The documents are normally returned to you to review before your signature after this has been confirmed. This is done to ensure no surprises regarding what is being witnessed, where it is being attested, and any other significant signing-related details (which your notary should clarify). You can always request to see a draught of the document(s) to ensure that it accurately reflects the terms of the prior agreement before signing.

The Notary Will Put down Their Seal or Stamp To:

The document(s) must be sealed as the final step. Your notary will emboss their seal into the document using an embosser. The embosser imprints a distinctive identifying mark that links it to your notary public to avoid confusion if the document is later presented in another jurisdiction.

How To Determine Whether A Document Has Been Notarized Is Explained By The Notary:

It can be challenging for someone new to the procedure to recognize a document certified by a notary public, given the large number of persons who have their documents remotely authenticated. There are several ways to determine this, but one would be the presence of an embossed seal that certifies that your document was certified by authorized individuals. The signature(s) may occasionally be followed by extra text or a statement stating that it has been confirmed. Always ensure that your document(s) are notarized by a certified Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public.

Signature of a Witness:

Finally, if necessary, the witnesses will sign a copy of the paper. The witnesses may be the notary public, a co-signer of one of the documents, or others who have been called to ensure that both parties agree before signing.

Wrapping Up

Do you require legal advice or a notary public for any documents you need to have notarized? Contact us, and we’ll be pleased to assist you or, if necessary, guide you on the right path for a notary in Rancho Cucamonga, CA.

Inland Mobile Notary Services
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