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Salt Spray Test Chamber

Labozon Scientific Inc
Salt Spray Test Chamber

A salt spray test chamber, also known as a salt fog chamber or salt corrosion chamber, is a specialized testing apparatus used to simulate and evaluate the effects of salt spray or salt fog on various materials, coatings, and products. The test chamber provides a controlled environment to mimic the corrosive conditions that occur in coastal or marine environments.

The chamber consists of a sealed enclosure or cabinet made from corrosion-resistant materials, typically stainless steel, to prevent contamination and ensure durability. Inside the chamber, there is a testing area or compartment where the samples or test specimens are placed. The size of the chamber can vary depending on the application and the size of the samples to be tested.

At the heart of the salt spray test chamber is a salt solution generator or atomizer, which atomizes a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) and water to create a fine mist of salt fog. This mist is then sprayed into the testing area, creating a highly corrosive environment. The concentration of the salt solution, the temperature, and the duration of the test can be adjusted to simulate specific environmental conditions.

To maintain the desired test conditions, the chamber is equipped with temperature and humidity control systems. These systems ensure that the temperature and relative humidity inside the chamber remain within the specified range throughout the test duration. Temperature and humidity control are essential factors in reproducing the corrosive effects accurately.

Salt Spray Test Chamber; Spray type: continuous-periodic; Temperature range: 35-to-55; Temperature fluctuation: le-plusmn-0-5; visit Online at Labozon.com!

Labozon Scientific Inc
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