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Crest Seattle Janitorial Service WA

Crest Janitorial
Crest Seattle Janitorial Service WA

We provide all of our cleaning clients with personalized attention, and our experienced managers and supervisors will make sure that every job is done right. We also offer 24 Hour emergency service for those times when things go awry or the office party gets out of hand.

Equipment and training are also key elements to our complete line of cleaning services. We only use the most modern, well-maintained equipment that every employee is thoroughly trained to use – by the owner of the company. Our employees are also trained on efficient and thorough cleaning procedures that ensure no part of the job is neglected or forgotten.

We provide all of our cleaning clients with personalized attention, and our experienced managers and supervisors will make sure that every job is done right. We also offer 24 Hour emergency service for those times when things go awry or the office party gets out of hand.

Equipment and training are also key elements to our complete line of cleaning services. We only use the most modern, well-maintained equipment that every employee is thoroughly trained to use – by the owner of the company. Our employees are also trained on efficient and thorough cleaning procedures that ensure no part of the job is neglected or forgotten.


Contact Information:

Address: 1546 NW 56th St, Seattle, WA 98107-5209, USA

Phone: (206) 960-5971

Website: http://www.janitorialserviceseattle.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/crestcleans

Hours : Mon - Sat: 8AM–6PM, Sun: Closed 

Crest Janitorial
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