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How To Make Your Friend’s Stay At Brisbane A Memorable One?

West End Art Space
How To Make Your Friend’s Stay At Brisbane A Memorable One?

When your friends are in your hometown and you want to show them around and ensure that they have a good time, you need to plan in advance. There are so many things that you can do to make their stay memorable. But you cannot keep things for the last minute. We have penned down some interesting ways in which you can ensure that your friends have a fun time when they stay with you.


  • Brisbane in Australia is well known for its architectural beauty. Why don’t you book a boat tour of Brisbane so that your friends can check out the city with its tall towers and buildings in its full glory?
  • If your friend loves adventure and thrill, you can go for kayaking, snorkelling and sand boarding in Moreton Island. Go for a day trip so that you can make the most of your time on the island.
  • For those who are into art and sculptures, we recommend a visit to one of the Brisbane art gallery. Like the Gallery of Modern Art, Museum of Brisbane, QUT Art museum and so on.
  • Why don’t you plan a picnic in one of the gardens in Brisbane? Roma Street Parkland, Sherwood Arboretum are some of the popular picnic spots. Take a picnic basket with you so that all of you can enjoy a hearty meal and have a great time together.
  • And finally, take your friend out for a memorable dinner at one of the posh joints in the city. You can also go for a movie before the dinner.


In conclusion, making your friend's stay in Brisbane unforgettable involves planning exciting activities, exploring the city's vibrant culture, and creating lasting memories together. Embrace the city's charm, hospitality, and attractions to ensure a truly memorable experience for your dear friend.


Note: if you are planning to go to Perth then do check out the Perth art gallery

West End Art Space
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