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Sustainable Practices in the Malonic Acid Industry: Size, Share, and Growth Analysis

Steve Anderson
Sustainable Practices in the Malonic Acid Industry: Size, Share, and Growth Analysis

The global malonic acid market size is expected to reach USD 136.2 million by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 2.9% during the forecast period, as per the new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market has experienced growth in response to the burgeoning demands of the pharmaceuticals and food and beverage industries.

Malonic Acid Market Report Highlights

·        North America is expected to witness the fastest CAGR of 3.4% from 2023 to 2030, due to rising demand for pharmaceuticals, food additives, and cosmetics industry in North America

·        Pharmaceutical segment is expected to register the fastest CAGR of 3.8% from 2023 to 2030. Because in the pharmaceutical industry, it is utilized as a precursor in the creation process of drugs such as barbiturates, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and vitamin B1

·        In 2022, the flavor enhancer segment was the largest application segment, due to the rising demand for flavor enhancers in the food and beverage industry

·        Prominent global companies are implementing capacity expansions, establishing partnership agreements with distributors, and executing diverse operational strategies to gain a competitive edge in the market

·        Nacalai Tesque, Inc. are procuring well-known distributors worldwide based on their market reach and presence, augmenting their product placement, and ultimately, broadening their market share within a specific region

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The rise in population and changing consumer preferences have contributed to an increase in the demand for food additives and pharmaceuticals, thereby raising the demand for malonic acid. Moreover, the newfound awareness regarding the potential advantages of employing plant growth regulators in agriculture has also fueled the need for malonic acid.

Additionally, it is anticipated that the growing number of fire safety standards and regulations developed around the world will fuel market growth. However, growing health and safety concerns, rising pricing for flame retardant products, and rising concerns about hazardous substances are limiting the growth.

Malonic acid has become a vital element in the creation of biodegradable plastic. This latest trend is a result of the growing concern surrounding the use of non-biodegradable plastics and their negative impact on the environment. This shift towards biodegradable plastics is expected to drive up the need for Malonic acid as it serves as a fundamental component in their creation. Projections suggest that the demand for eco-friendly and sustainable plastics will continue to rise, resulting in a surge in product demand.

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Segmented the global malonic acid market based on application, end-use, and region

Some prominent companies in the global malonic acid market include:

·       Lonza Group

·       Wuhan Kemi-Works Chemical Co., Ltd.

·       Shanghai Nanxiang Reagent Co., Ltd.

·       Columbus Chemical Industries, Inc.

·       TATEYAMA KASEI co., Ltd

·       Trace Zero LLC

·       Medical Chem (Yancheng) Manuf.Co., Ltd.

·       J&K Scientific Ltd.

·       Lagos

·       Hefei TNJ Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.


Research Methodology

We employ a comprehensive and iterative research methodology focused on minimizing deviance in order to provide the most accurate estimates and forecasts possible. We utilize a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches for segmenting and estimating quantitative aspects of the market. Data is continuously filtered to ensure that only validated and authenticated sources are considered. In addition, data is also mined from a host of reports in our repository, as well as a number of reputed paid databases. Our market estimates and forecasts are derived through simulation models. A unique model is created and customized for each study. Gathered information for market dynamics, technology landscape, application development, and pricing trends are fed into the model and analyzed simultaneously.

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About Grand View Research

Grand View Research provides syndicated as well as customized research reports and consulting services on 46 industries across 25 major countries worldwide. This U.S. based market research and consulting company is registered in California and headquartered in San Francisco. Comprising over 425 analysts and consultants, the company adds 1200+ market research reports to its extensive database each year. Supported by an interactive market intelligence platform, the team at Grand View Research guides Fortune 500 companies and prominent academic institutes in comprehending the global and regional business environment and carefully identifying future opportunities.

Steve Anderson
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