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Supercharge Your Day with These 10 Energy-Boosting Foods

Myrtle Becker
Supercharge Your Day with These 10 Energy-Boosting Foods


If you've ever felt drained and exhausted in the middle of the day, you know the importance of getting enough energy to get through your workday and hold your own through evening activities. The trick is finding foods that are easy to digest and keeping blood sugar levels up so you don't experience a crash later in the day. These 10 foods will help you increase your energy level at any time of day.

Protein smoothie

  • Mix protein powder with milk.

This can be any protein powder, including whey and soy-based versions. If you don't have any on hand, try blending some nuts until they form a fine powder (this is called nut butter). You can also use fresh fruits or vegetables as an alternative source of natural protein--make sure they're chopped finely enough so that no chunks remain in your smoothie.

  • Add in some fruits or vegetables for texture and flavor. If your taste buds are craving something sweet, try adding bananas or berries. If you prefer savory flavors instead of sweet ones, add cucumbers or celery sticks into the mix. Whatever floats your boat will work just fine here--remember not too much, though, because we still want this drinkable rather than souplike. 
  • Add ice cubes for extra chill factor (and thickness). OutfittersOutdoors offers plenty of ways to keep cool during hot summer days, so why not take advantage while making one last hurrah before winter sets in? Adding ice cubes helps keep things chilled without watering down what's already inside, which means more flavor per sip.

Rice cake with peanut butter and banana

A peanut butter and banana rice cake combines carbs and protein, making it the perfect snack or side dish. It's also a good source of fiber, which helps your digestive system stay regular--and you can't be on top of your game if you're running to the bathroom every hour.

You can make this dish with nut butter: cashew butter, almond butter, or even peanut-free sunflower seed butter (if you want something less dense). You could even use tahini as your base instead of peanut butter if that floats your boat. The possibilities are endless...and delicious.

If plain isn't doing it for you, or if sweetener isn't allowed in your diet (like stevia), try adding some cinnamon or cocoa powder for an extra kick of flavor in each bite.

Spinach salad with tuna and cheese

This is a great way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals, especially if you do not like greens. Spinach contains protein, fiber, iron, and calcium--all essential nutrients your body needs to function at its best. The tuna provides protein, while the cheese gives you calcium (which helps build strong bones). And if that weren't enough: You can also add other veggies for added health benefits.

Avocado with eggs on wholegrain toast

To make this meal:

  • Toast two slices of wholegrain bread.
  • Mash an avocado on top of each slice of toast, and add salt and pepper to taste.
  • Fry two eggs in a pan over medium heat until cooked through (this will take about 3 minutes).

If you like, add any additional veggies to your dish--for example, spinach or mushrooms would be great.

Oatmeal with cinnamon and dried fruit

Oatmeal is a good fiber, protein, iron, and calcium source. It also contains thiamine (vitamin B1) which helps convert carbs into energy.

If you're not a fan of plain oats or don't have time to make them from scratch, try adding cinnamon and dried fruit - these will help boost your energy levels too.

Cottage cheese and fruit parfait

  • Cottage cheese is a good source of protein and calcium.
  • Fruit contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals that benefit your health. You can use any fruit in this recipe; berries are delicious because they contain antioxidants.
  • Nuts, seeds, or granola will add crunch to the parfait--and some extra protein too.

Hard-boiled egg with a side of veggies

Eggs are a great source of protein, which can help you feel fuller for longer. They're also rich in vitamins A and B12, essential for brain health.

Eggs contain choline, an essential nutrient that helps the body make acetylcholine (an important neurotransmitter). Acetylcholine plays a role in memory formation and learning ability by facilitating neuron communication. It also involves muscle control, especially during walking or running.

Topping off your hard-boiled egg with some veggies will give you an extra boost of nutrients without adding too many calories or Carbo hydrates--and it makes eating breakfast so much more satisfying.

Greek yogurt with berries

Greek yogurt is an excellent source of protein and can help you feel fuller for longer. Berries are chock-full of Ryno  vitamins and antioxidants, perfect for building your immune system. Mixing in some nuts or seeds will make this breakfast more filling and satisfying. The best part is this breakfast comes in at under 300 calories, so it's a great way to start your day. To make it even tastier, add some granola or cinnamon on top. Eggs and toast This classic combo always stays in style. Eggs are full of protein and will help you feel more satisfied for longer than other breakfasts.

Pistachio nuts or cashews (for crunch.)

You may have heard that nuts are a good source of protein and healthy fats. They're also high in calories, so eat them in moderation. Pistachios and cashews are great choices because they're rich in vitamin E and magnesium--which help you feel energized throughout the day.

You should eat them alongside other foods (like fruits or vegetables) that contain lots of fiber because otherwise, it could be easy to overeat these tasty snacks.

You can get more energy during the day by eating these foods.

  • Protein Foods like meat, fish, eggs, and beans are good protein sources. It would help if you tried to eat these foods at least once a day--they'll keep you feeling full for longer and help you avoid overeating later in the day.
  • Healthy fats in nuts, avocados, and olive oil are good for you. Try getting some daily because they help keep your heart healthy and boost brain power.
  • Complex carbohydrates (whole grains, starchy vegetables) are a good energy source. Eating these foods at least once daily help keep your blood sugar levels balanced. Fruit is high in vitamins and minerals, as well as being low in calories.
  • Vitamins and minerals (fruits and vegetables) are essential for good health. They can help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease and keep your bones strong. It would help if you tried eating at least five portions of fruit or vegetables daily.
  • Fiber (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) can help you feel full for longer, making you less likely to overeat. It can also reduce your risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Try to include plenty of fiber in your diet daily by eating whole grains such as brown rice, oats, and barley or choosing wholegrain bread instead of white.
  • Caffeine can also help you feel fuller for longer. The average cup of coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine, roughly the same amount as a can of energy drink. Caffeine has been shown to increase metabolism by 3-11%, which may help you burn more calories throughout the day.


If you're looking for ways to boost your energy during the day, try these 10 foods. We know it can be hard sometimes to find time for a healthy meal or snack--but don't worry. These recipes are easy, simple, and delicious. And they all have one thing in common: they're packed with protein and good fats that will keep you going strong all day.

Myrtle Becker
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