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Evaluate the behavior of testing samples at high temperatures with Presto water bath digital

Testing instruments
Evaluate the behavior of testing samples at high temperatures with Presto water bath digital

We all know that temperature stability is considered to be one of the most important factors that needs to be taken care of while delivering products to customers. Whether you are working in the PET bottle industry or in the paint, plating and coating industry, testing the behavior of testing samples at high temperatures is an important aspect of quality control. Thus, we at Presto have designed high-quality lab testing equipment known as water bath digital.

This is one of the high-quality testing equipment that can be used to test the stability of materials when exposed to high temperatures. In this blog, we are going to provide you with information about Presto water bath digital and the top features of this quality testing equipment that makes it easy for manufacturers to conduct quality tests on the materials.

Introduction to Presto Water Bath Digital model

Presto’s digital water bath is one of the high-quality lab testing instruments that can be used to test the specimen at high temperatures and is made with a high-quality rust-resistant stainless steel body. This lab testing equipment has been designed with a single wire to mesh support tray to cover the heater at the base. It is used to incubate samples in hot water at high temperatures required in textile and microbiology industries.

The Water Bath Digital comes with a motorized stirrer for maintaining heating efficiency. In any type of textile rinsing process like scouring, merchandising, de-sizing, bleaching, dyeing, printing, optical whitening, etc., you can make use of this testing equipment. It is quite important to maintain this testing instrument at the required temperatures with respect to the duration of the wet process. You can also read more on how to set a PID controller in a digital water bath.

Now, let us discuss the features and technical specifications of this quality testing equipment. You can know more about digital water bath price by Presto stantest.

Top Features of Presto hot water bath digital

The Presto being Asia’s No.1 manufacturer of laboratory testing instruments has designed a series of paint, plating and coating testing equipment including water bath digital to ensure that quality materials will be delivered to the customers.

Below we have listed the top features of Presto hot water bath digital:

  • The equipment is built on a rigid metal base plate and elegantly painted with Autumn Gray & Blue combination along with bright chrome or zinc plating to give it a rust-resistant finish.
  • The testing instrument comes complete with a user guide; a conformance certificate perceptible to NABL-approved Labs.
  • Temperature controls through PT-100 sensor
  • Highly accurate test results under uniform temperatures in the chamber
  • Advanced Digital Microprocessor based PID based temperature controller
  • Provision of Set Value(SV) and Process Value(PV) on the temperature display
  • Inbuilt Auto tuning function
  • Bright LED display
  • Equipped with rapid heaters for uniform and homogenous heating and maintaining the temperature inside the chamber
  • The integral water drain system
  • Inbuilt Calibration features with reference to the master PID controller
  • Setting to RTD PT-100 sensors through advanced PID controller
  • Stirrer motor for the precise stirring of the sample inside the tank and for uniformity of temperature
  • Speed regulator for controlling the speed of the stirrer

Technical Specifications of Presto hot water bath digital

  • The inner dimension of the machine is 18 inches x18 inches x18 inches. (Customized Sizes Available)
  • The instrument can be operated at a temperature of Up to 90ºC with an accuracy of ±2°C.
  • The machine is duly fitted with a digital preset timer with a reading of up to 999 hours for setting the time and for the auto-cut facility (as an optional accessory).
  • It requires a power consumption of 220 V Single phase, 50 Hz for working efficiently.
  • Display: LED (Digital)
  • Least Count/Resolution: 1ºC
  • Motor Type: Stirrer Motor
  • Motor Capacity: 1/5 HP

With these high-end features & technical specifications, manufacturers can easily conduct quality tests on the materials and ensure that quality products will be delivered to the customers.

You can easily install the water bath digital model effectively with the help of this quality laboratory testing equipment.

Install the water bath digital model effectively with 3 easy steps

If you want to install a water bath digitally effectively, then you can easily follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Remove the packing and place it on a flat surface preferably a concrete shelf.
  • The single-phase socket should be near the Digital Water Bath.
  • Place the machine at a distance of 1 ft. clear from the wall.

If you want to know more about this quality testing equipment then you can give us a call at +91-9210903903 or email us at info@prestogroup.com. Our technical experts will easily assist you with all your queries. You can even take a FREE sample testing session just by giving us a call.

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Testing instruments
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