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AICD cost in India

AICD cost in India

We provide the highest quality standards in Automatic Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (AICD) Surgery cost in India treatment services for patients all around the world with lowest cost options. There are a hospital groups network which is included more than 400 Hospitals & Ayurveda and Wellness Retreats under the roof of WDI. Patients can have a quick access to the top Doctors and medical evaluation of such doctors who specialize in the treatment of their disease. You can have both treatment & holidays in our locations. WDI giving the best experienced medical concierge services by carrying out the patient’s all treatment processes.



1. Consulting Services & Treatment Package Creation : Personal medical record is required to accurately assess a treatment plan.

2. Physician C.V: Medical records transfer to physician for treatment and pricing options.

3. Second Opinion : Medical report for consultation by your specialist doctors a feedback is expected within 72hours [3days].

4. Budget Friendly Treatment Plans : Expect to have as many referrals from different hospitals detailing their second opinion and the cost of treatment.

5. Medical Visa Assistance: Once the patient is satisfied with respect to the advised treatment and hospital and finalize their plan for coming to India , we assist the patient in obtaining medical visa india. The patient has to apply on his own for the same in High Commission of India (Indian embassy) in their home country. We provide an invitation letter to the patient from the respective hospital which is required for submitting their visa application. Also, our team is trained to provide any information/query that the patient may have regarding medical visa and medical attendant visa.

6. Treatment Itinerary : When see doctor, When operation takes place extra, also contact details for the ward room .

7. Personal case manager: Once the patient arrives to the designated country for treatment he/she becomes our full responsibility. To handle any cases arising from hospital/ doctor negligence or malpractice to the patients. Also organized the accommodation and stay of the members accompanying the patient we will be responsible for their safety.

8. Interpretation: Interpretation assistance if necessary.

9. Communication: Assist in communicating with family and home. Mobile phone or telephone card.

10. Airport support arrival / departure.: Complimentary airport pick-up / drop-off in a cab.

11. Post care rehab: Post care rehab and nursing needs.

12. Wellness and spa packages: Wellness and spa packages added pre and post procedures. Palade , yoga and spiritual classes. Resort accommodation at 4 to 5 star level.

13. Follow-up support: Provide free support when patients come back their home countries.

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