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Impact of plastic waste on the environment and human health

Impact of plastic waste on the environment and human health

In the recent few years, you must’ve noticed several ads running on your local national television channels about plastic waste management. These advertisements were also suggestive of how you should reduce or altogether avoid the use of polythene bags which you use for carrying groceries and other commodities.

The reason why these ads have been run by the government on local channels is that plastic waste hasn’t been managed effectively, which has only added majorly to the already existing problem of waste management. Plastic has been used excessively both by the stakeholders of the demand and supply side of the economy.

There are numerous reasons as to why people choose to use plastic over any other material. The most significant of them all is that plastic is cheap and durable. You must’ve noticed how people tend to ask for polythene bags when they go out to buy anything out of habit. The shopkeepers also hand them polythene bags if the customer has forgotten to carry their own bag to the shop. This common practice seems harmless on the outside but the failure to efficiently dispose of the waste created out of them heavily penalizes the environment.

Even when one stays mindful of disposing of this debris in a proper manner, the question of “How to process this waste further when there already exist hundreds of tons of more plastic waste in the landfills, and more of it is getting dumped in the landfills and oceans every day?” still remains. This issue is even more alarming since plastic decomposes much slower than anything else and stays in the environment much longer than any other material.

Plastic waste doesn’t just result in environmental contamination but also harms human health in many ways. Below listed are some of the major ways in which plastic proves to be harmful to the environment and humans alike:

Plastic kills marine life

Over the years many marine animals have become the victim of death due to plastic waste getting dumped into the water bodies. Plastic waste gets into the oceans through rivers, shorelines, or boats. The marine life that lives somewhat close to human interference in nature, ends up getting caught in the plastic trap created by man. A staggering number of animals have died due to getting tangled or stuck in the discarded bottles and nets used for fishing. They also die from choking on the plastic waste, or by filling their stomach with plastic mistaking it for food. The death of these animals results in the subsequent death of the ecosystem that they play an essential part in.

Plastic also kills terrestrial animals

Plastic not only kills marine animals but also kills animals living on land. Terrestrial animals just like their water-dwelling counterparts are dying due to getting tangled in or choked on plastic. The plastic that floats on water near the water bodies from where land animals drink water, ends up going into the system of these animals resulting in their death. This ripple effect within the ecosystem affects every participant in it and eventually shrinks and weakens the ecosystem.

Plastic produces chemical pollution

Plastic also majorly contributes to the harm caused by pollution to the environment. Plastics essentially are a product of oil and gas. Harmful chemicals like benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, carbon monoxide, etc., are produced due to mining non-renewable resources used to create plastic. Since there is not enough place to store this plastic, much of the world attempts to recycle plastic or incinerate plastic waste. Both these activities produce and release toxic chemicals into the air, which are hazardous to both the environment and humans.

Humans end up eating plastic contaminated seafood

Researchers and scientists have found microplastics in more than a hundred marine species, and humans consume almost one-third of these. Some of the chemicals that are added to plastic to increase its performance are considered to be endocrine disruptors; these chemicals are known to affect the normal hormone function of humans. Some of these chemicals are also considered to be retardants that might interfere with the brain development of children. Research still continues on the harmful effects of the consumption of plastic in humans, but it is certainly clear that the addition of plastic to our diets isn’t good.

Humans breathe plastic

This is an issue that not all of the world can relate to. More often than not, where there is poor waste management, people end up burning their trash in the open air. This common practice in parts of the world where there is poor waste management allows chemicals from burning plastics easily enter human bodies as they breathe. While there still needs to be more research conducted on this issue, it is quite evident that the existence of harmful chemicals in the environment due to the burning of plastic doesn’t sit well with humans.

The bottom line

As we set out to celebrate world environment day, it is important to be mindful of the fact that we are still way behind in efficiently managing plastic waste. Sure, humans have come up with various creative ways to recycle plastic but more needs to be done in order to reach a place where everyone consciously makes choices that are good for the environment.

The future looks hopeful with more organizations and individuals taking up the initiative to better manage the waste. From people collecting and segregating garbage from public places where there is no one else to attend to it to people adhering to the reduce, reuse, and recycle method of waste management, the day isn’t far when we can claim to have made a significant difference in the current bleak scenario.

This world environment day, let us pledge to properly manage our waste and recycle wherever possible and necessary to save our planet!

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