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6 Major Steps that Help to Get Your Company ISO Certified

Larra Smith
6 Major Steps that Help to Get Your Company ISO Certified

Businesses today are required to get ISO certified because it serves as a benchmark of excellence that they can receive from an approved authority for demonstrating excellent devotion in a certain management area, such as quality management, information security, environmental safety, or occupational health and safety. Each of the various ISO management standards targets a particular component of management or governance and offers a unique set of advantages. Businesses require them to implement the best management practices as well as to acquire the confidence of their stakeholders by demonstrating their competence and reliability. The 6 primary steps required to obtain ISO certification are listed below.

  1. Get All Your Resources Ready: You must set up the necessary resources and obtain the backing of your company's top management to obtain an ISO management standard. The management team should commit to providing all the resources necessary for carrying out the certification procedure and should support the cause, which is certification. If they are unsure of what resources are needed to fulfil the demands of the ISO management standard, the management team may even seek advice from a third-party organization.
  2. Pre-Audit or Gap Analysis: Gap analysis is a necessary step that enables you to understand where you stand about ISO compliance standards. To ensure that you are aware of the shortcomings in your current management system in comparison to the intended ISO management standard, this pre-assessment is crucial. It can be carried out by internal experts from your business or, if you've hired them, auditors from the consulting agency. You need to ask questions about a few topics during the gap analysis, such as which requirements are not satisfied, how long it would take to meet them, what resources and procedures are needed, and how much it would cost. As a result, you may precisely plan to fully comply with your management system.
  3. Develop and Implement the Management System: The next step is to create a thorough management system by filling up all the holes identified earlier to receive the certification. This entails implementing new controls and processes within the system, giving personnel new roles, and reorganizing existing policies. Conduct training sessions for your staff to put the system into use and make it operational in your business. They must become accustomed to their new positions so they can carry out all the procedures with ease.
  4. Do an Internal Audi: You should confirm that the implemented management system satisfies all requirements of the specified standard before applying for certification. An internal audit is essential because of this. It should be carried out by a few well-respected employees of your business who possess the required management system knowledge and insights. If the third-party consultancy has competent auditors who have a focus on your standard, they can also help you with the internal audit process. Regardless of who performs the audit, the findings or observations are essential to your certification achievement. You will learn about the management's compliance status when an extensive internal audit is conducted. You learn which of the standard's requirements are fully met, somewhat met, and not at all met. As a result, you can resolve all the noncompliance issues by taking the necessary steps or corrective actions based on the audit report.
  5. Choosing an Accredited Certification Body: Your business would receive the certification from a well-known certified body. Among the many organizations that offer certifications, you must choose a trustworthy one and apply. Examine their background, customer reviews, and suitability for your company to make the best choice. An on-site audit would be conducted by that outside entity. For example, to verify that all ISO 9001 certification requirements are met, they would assess the management system from beginning to end. They would even express their views on any shortcomings they observed in the system that needed to be fixed.
  6. Certification: The final phase is when the organization awards your business with the ISO certification after being convinced that your management system is effective and compliant enough. The certification will be valid for three years. After that, you must renew it. This suggests that you should conduct regular internal audits of your management system to maintain its ISO compliance over time.

Punyam.com is the leading ISO certification consultancy provider company in India. Punyam.com offers various ISO standard certifications consultancy services. Punyam.com certification consultancy service provides complete system awareness training, create ISO documentation for respective ISO standard and other standard systems, and help clients in ISO internal auditing as well as implementing and maintaining ISO systems in their organization throughout the ISO certification process. We provide such consultancy services in two ways: either by visiting the client's place or by providing our documents and training through offline mode.

Source: https://punyam.wordpress.com/2023/09/13/6-major-steps-that-help-to-get-your-company-iso-certified/

Larra Smith
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