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How to increase real estate website traffic

Guts Walter
How to increase real estate website traffic

The bulk of landing pages on many real estate websites are merely listing pages that have been indexed by search engines. These offer several entrance points into the site. However, because MLS data is shared with every other website on that MLS feed, including major companies like Trulia and Zillow, competition for visibility is fierce. Sellers want as many people to see their property as possible in order for it to sell. This puts pressure on agents and brokers to get high search rankings, which is where the bulk of individuals begin their property search. You can also begin your search engine ranking by various real estate promotion platforms.

How Do You Get Your Listings to the Top of the Search engine?

Because of the causes stated above, your listings may appear as syndicated listings on other competing sites. While there is no silver bullet for getting your internet listing to rank number one for a property, there are a few things you can do to boost your chances of beating the competition. Here are a few techniques to boost search engine traction for your real estate website advertising, in no particular order.

1. Promote Your Listings on Social Media

This appears to be a no-brainer for a company page on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram, because your network can quickly spread these listings via links and do a lot of work for you. But be careful not to misuse these channels and come out as overly commercial. Simply real estate ads with no context might have the opposite effect, and the Likes and Followers you have patiently accumulated will go. If there is a listing with an interesting narrative, leave a remark about it and explain why you believe your network should see it.

2. Create a property video tour

Because videos are searchable, you may obtain search engine traction with video tours. Make sure to include the address, MLS number, and keyword-rich content in the video title and description. Include a link to the property detail view page on your site rather than just a link to your home page, so that people are sent to the correct page rather than having to hunt for it again on your site. Property video tours can be low-cost or high-end. If you're selling a luxury home with a low commission, it's worth the time and money to promote property well. If you place yourself in front of the camera to tour the viewer, you may increase trust by proving that you know the property through and out. It's also an effective real estate advertising strategy for attracting other sellers seeking a listing agent.

3. Create a blog about your listings.

Your blog, like social media, is a chance to engage with site visitors in a less formal manner, so avoid an obviously commercial blog strategy. Choose a list of topics of interest to blog about each week, in addition to providing other forms of material on your blog. Listing spotlights entice subscribers because there is thought put into the selection of homes and a unique description that differs from the MLS description offered on the normal listing page. The SEO benefits of blog articles may help contribute to the listing's search position and, when combined with a video tour or listing video and photographs, can offer value that pushes up your ranks, reaching number one in Google and in promotion of real estate websites.

4. Use pay-per-click advertising.

If you have a list of your own listings on your website, you may drive visitors to this page with a pay-per-click ad for real estate. One of the most famous PPC ad network is 7Search PPC. If your properties are comparable in price and kind, it will be easy to produce ad language that targets a certain demographic, such as luxury waterfront houses. It gets more difficult if you have a varied variety of listings, from mobile homes and condominiums to single and multi-family listings, because your audience is more diverse and will not want to be steered to a property type they are not interested in. In this situation, choose a few ads that target these distinct sorts of properties and construct numerous landing pages for these types of characteristics. This is a terrific approach to ensure page one placement and generate traffic when you need it the most.

Learn more about PPC advertising: click here.

5. Establish a single property web page

This takes more work and is better suited to premium real estate. The concept behind these is to develop a lot more material around a single listing in order to boost its search engine exposure and advertise a property to its best potential. While this has numerous advantages, it will not always outperform a listing page on your website. Enhancing the listing and using their blog and social media may have the same impact for our clients. Because of its URL, a single property website may receive more inbound links and may be more professionally advertised in print. Recently, a luxury real estate company designed a bespoke landing page to advertise their listings and how they market their properties. It also acts as a destination for visitors who come through offline sources such as periodicals and brochures. They also successfully employed pay-per-click advertisements for your real estate site to bring qualified web visitors.

Guts Walter
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