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Know the Valid Reasons Why Your Sink is Not Draining

Know the Valid Reasons Why Your Sink is Not Draining

A few days ago, your bathroom sink was draining well. Because of its frequent use, it becomes difficult to keep it clear and unclogged.

Puzzling why your bathroom sink drains slowly could seem difficult. Why is the water suddenly backing up? If this question is troubling you, then this article will be a great guide for you.


We've identified four likely culprits for your sink's clogging so that you get to know when such a problem occurs, you should call a pro plumber in Fredericksburg.


Clogged P-Trap 


Your bathroom sink's bending drain pipe is known as a P-trap. It connects the sink's drain to the bigger drain pipe going to the sewer and is situated just beneath the sink. 


Smaller items caught up easily in the p-trap. Earrings, chunks of soap, rings, and even grease can develop clogs in your P-trap. In case, your P-trap is not draining well, you may hear a stuttering noise when water gets flushed down the drain. 




The most common cause of bathroom sink clogs is hair in the sink. Wet hair forms clumps, making it the ideal material for clogging drains. The walls of the pipes capture those clumps as they fall, and the more force the water in your drain applies to the hair, the harder it will clump. 


Wet hair in your drain accumulates more wet hair, building up into a gross clump that completely blocks water flow. Even worse, everything else that tries to go down the drain gets caught in that hairy clump.


Soap Scum


When calcium and magnesium ions present in water interact with compounds in soap, soap scum forms. It’s a filmy, chalky substance that slowly accumulates on the pipe walls' sides and develops over time. 


Substance, like hair, forms a gradually growing clog. Because it's sticky, soap scum can produce extremely annoying clogs. 


Without a snake or other specialized tool, it might be challenging to remove accumulated soap scum from pipe walls.


Damaged Pipes


Various forms of pipe damage could be the reason behind the continuous filling of the sink with water. Rust accumulation on the inner pipe walls caused by corroding pipes can limit water flow. Dented pipes will limit or fully stop the water flow if they’re damaged. Even pipe joints can deteriorate or get separated, which may cause pipes to sag and obstruct the flow of water. If pipes aren’t properly fastened, they could move later and eventually become detached or displaced.


It's challenging to completely avoid pipe damage. All pipes age with time, and once they reach a certain age, they begin to corrode, clog, or malfunction. Installing new replacement pipes is the only proven remedy in such cases.


In Conclusion

Hopefully, you've identified the problem's root cause. These are the key reasons that effectively block the bathroom sink. In these cases, applying DIY techniques could be a temporary solution.

If your bathroom sink is clogged and you’ve tried all DIY methods to unclog your bathroom sink, it may be the right time to call a professional plumber in Orange. He will fix the issues that your bathroom sink is facing and have your drains functioning well again.

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