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Compelling Tips to Buy an Electric Bike for First Time

Wheely Wheels
Compelling Tips to Buy an Electric Bike for First Time

Buying an electric bike for the first time can produce numerous health benefits and wellness. More importantly, lower your carbon footprint and save money to reduce car trips. But remember, it's a big and potentially costlier decision. So please read this short blog as it highlights some valuable tips that every individual should consider when buying electric bikes when it is for sale. 

Tips to Remember When Opting for an Electric Bikes 

Electric bikes have become the most convenient mode of transportation over the past years. As a result of this, people all across the globe. If you are also the one who is planning to buy an electric bike, then consider several considerations. Some of them are listed below: 

Intended Use and Riding Style 

The first step in closing your search is to define how you plan to use your electric bike. Do you own it for recreation and exercise? Will you use it for household processes such as Grocery and shopping? If you want to ride for fun and fitness, an electric mountain bike can be ideal, particularly if you want to go off-road. However, the additional expense of complicated suspension systems and modern components may be too expensive. 

While buying electric bikes, you should know the status of whether electric bikes are for sale or not. 


Remember to remember the pricing model of these bikes. Some companies like Wheelywheels offer affordable pricing and other features.   

Mid-drive or Hub Motor

Electric bikes contain a motor that will significantly influence your bike's weight, range, and performance. So selecting the right type of motor is one of the most important decisions you will make. These motors fall into two major categories: Mid-drive and Hub motors. These motors are located in the front or rear wheel and drive you by accelerating the wheel. Mid-drive motors are integrated into the frame between the pedals and supplement the power of your pedal stroke. It's a small but significant distinction.

While hub motors are often less expensive and suitable for most riders, mid-drives provide greater torque. 

Wheely Wheels
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