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Tips from the Best Residential Electrician on Outdated Electrical Wiring – Look for These 7 Signs

WH Electrical Solutions
Tips from the Best Residential Electrician on Outdated Electrical Wiring – Look for These 7 Signs

How to understand if your house’s wiring has gone bad or not? Well, contacting a pro residential electrician in Sydney can help you with that. With years of skills and experience, they can be the right ones to tell you about faulty electrical wiring.


Living with electrical malfunctions can lead to electrical fire and other severe damage. As per research, most time the wiring and the breaker boxes are the significant reasons for these fires. But catching it beforehand can help you prevent dangers from happening. Well, consulting with a professional electrician can help you understand that. But every time you’ll call them for an inspection, they’ll charge you a huge service fee. Well, you can save that by inspecting your house yourself and looking for certain signs of outdated electrical wiring.


Wondering how can you understand if your house’s electrical wiring has become outdated? Let’s discuss that in the following blog post.


What are the signs of outdated electrical wiring in a house?


Outdated electrical wiring is one of the most common electrical malfunctions in a house. Besides that, it’s also one of the main reasons behind the electrical fire. Well, having a professional house electrician by your side can help you prevent that. All you’ll have to do is look for the signs before calling them.


And here’re them,


1. Dimming lights.


i) Flickering lights are normal during a powerful storm or thunderstorm in a windy weather.


ii) It can also happen because of a tree branch may have fallen on a nearby power line.


iii) But if there’s nothing like that and your lights are still flickering, then it may be because of your house’s bad wiring.


iv) If the electrical wiring has gone bad, then it can’t handle the increased demand of the energy level in your place and thus, cause issues.


2. Vibrating and warm power outlets.


i) Check if you’re feeling a warm sensation when close to a power outlet in your place.


ii) A properly functioning power outlet should be cool when touched, while a damaged one may feel warm and vibrating.


iii) It can lead to electrical fire, if not treated on time.


3. Frequent trips of the circuit breaker.


i) Circuit breaker trips aren’t uncommon, especially when you run multiple devices from the same circuit.


ii) But if you notice circuit breaker trips frequently, it could be a sign of outdated electrical wiring in your place.


iii) Old electrical wiring can’t keep up with the electrical demands of modern homes. Hence, you may feel these issues.


4. Outlet discolouration and smoke.


i) Can you feel a burning smell or see smoke suddenly in your home? If yes, then you should take immediate action, as it can be an electrical fire.


ii) You can also find minor damage like scorch marks and discolouration around your power outlets.


iii) It mostly happens because of loose wiring inside the outlet.


5. Old aluminium wiring.


i) Was your home built during the late '60s or early '70s era? If yes, then it’s time to update your electrical wiring.


ii) Most homes in that period had aluminium wiring, which’s risky nowadays.


iii) Research says that aluminium wires are 50 times more likely to experience fire damage than copper wiring. So, you should update your house’s wiring.


6. Frayed wiring.


i) Is there fray wiring in your place? Take that as a serious sign and never ignore that.


ii) If you’re remodelling your place and see frayed wiring through an exposed wall, you must contact an electrician ASAP!!


7. Strange noises coming from your fixtures and outlets.


i) Your hearing can also tell you if there’s a potential wiring problem in your place.


ii) Often, we hear a sizzling or buzzing sound coming from a power outlet and light fixture.


iii) Well, replacing the bulb may solve the issue, but it can also be a sign of outdated electrical wiring.


Bottom line,


Are you dealing with outdated electrical wiring in your place? Instead of trying to resolve the issue yourself, hire a professional residential electrician in Sydney for the job. All you’ll have to ensure is that they’re the right ones.


Author Bio: The author is an expert residential electrician in Sydney. For years, he’s helped many people solve their electrical issues. Also, he’s written many blog posts and articles on the same.

WH Electrical Solutions
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