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Open Source Software (OSS) Security Risks

Sourabh kumar
Open Source Software (OSS) Security Risks

Firms mostly rely on open-source software (OSS), using third-party and open-source libraries and components. These apps boost the speed and lower development costs. But, firms find it challenging to handle the risks and vulnerabilities associated with OSS.

If these open-source components contain exploitable vulnerabilities or malicious functionality, they can expose the firm's applications to attack. Hence, OSS security is vital in managing the risks that open-source code poses to applications, data, and systems.

Software's source code, once put in the public domain, can be accessed by anyone. But cyber attackers can also access the code to look for security gaps. 

Nonetheless, one of the main OSS security risks is that when vulnerabilities are identified, they can be publicized by the open-source community. While these vulnerabilities are made public, they can be exploited even before they are fixed. 

Open-source components do not have built-in controls to prevent the use of multiple or incompatible versions. They typically rely on the user to verify proper use.

Developers may likely abandon packages that a firm's systems rely on. This increases the potential for unpatched vulnerabilities. There is also a possibility that the code may lack necessary security mechanisms like updated cryptography.

Hackers target software supply chain security by taking advantage of companies' reliance on open-source code.

Attackers can trick developers into introducing vulnerabilities or malicious functionality into their apps by building malicious lookalike libraries or infecting trusted ones with malicious code.

Sourabh kumar
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