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Network Attached Storage Market To Touch USD 63,151 Million by 2030

Ritik Sinha
Network Attached Storage Market To Touch USD 63,151 Million by 2030

The network attached storage market was valued USD 22,850 million in 2022, and it will grow at a rate of 13.55% during 2022–2030, to touch USD 63,151 million by 2030, as stated by a market research institution, P&S Intelligence.

The market is powered by the increase in the use of smart devices, the IoT, and 5G networks, leading to the generation of huge unstructured data volumes, for example audio, photographic, video, and text files. 

By 2025, about 80% of the world’s digital info will be unstructured. As such info requires to be stored and protected, the requirement for network-attached storage will surge globally.

The need for data centers globally is growing significantly because of the boom in the use of cutting-edge computer technologies. On account of this, the requirement for NAS is growing. 

Organizations have numerous NAS units on-premises, but now, these solutions are used as an edge data center. Owing to the increasing requirement for, mobile, analytics, and cloud services globally, many new facilities are required to store the gathered info. 

Also, with the growing R&D investments in these facilities in Germany and the U.S.; and the creation of next-gen centers, more tech advanced and efficient in managing info, the industry will prosper.

North America had the largest share of about 40% in the network attached storage market in the recent past. The acceptance of cloud-based data centers, substantial investments in R&D, and surge in the use of the IoT technology in smart devices in Canada and the U.S. will contribute to the growth of the market. 

Furthermore, as a result of the momentous advancements in technologies and acceptance of smart devices, for instance mobiles, laptops, and health trackers in China, Japan, India, South Korea, and Malaysia, NAS requirement in APAC will significantly grow in the future. 

Moreover, because of the surge in the use of micro, small, and medium enterprises, the volume of unstructured data is on the rise, creating the necessity for efficient storage solutions, for appropriate and secured backup. About 98% of the companies in North America are MSMEs.

The on-premises category will have the largest share in the near future. This allows companies to store all the important data on their own servers, ensuring high security of information and also offers the leverage of grading the storage for any dynamic need. 

Though, market players also bid solutions with end-to-end disaster recovery functionality, as most companies are moving tin the direction of cloud-based storages. 

It is due to the increasing volume of unstructured data, the demand for network attached storage will rise in the near future.

Ritik Sinha
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