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Vatika Atrium | Vatika Atrium Gurgaon

izam ahmed
Vatika Atrium | Vatika Atrium Gurgaon

About Vatika Atrium

The largest unique architectural element of Vatika Atrium is the expansive central atrium that unites the complex’s two buildings.Vatika Atrium Commercial office spaces for sale & rent on Golf Course Road Gurgaon. Vatika Atrium is a futuristic commercial development built to international office specifications, and it is an environment-friendly workplace. You can get more details online on indiapropertydekho.com

More About Vatika Atrium

The project is the creation of Studio, a renowned New York design firm, in collaboration with one of India’s top businesses, Spazzio Design Architecture.

Vatika Atrium Spacefications

Fire Fighting:

3 tier Fire Fighting System.

Fire detection services and alarm.

Automatic sprinklers.

Fire host reels backed with 1,55,000 litres of water storage.

Air Conditioning:

24 hours central air conditioning, through a state-of-the-art system, comprising chilled water type screw, chiller machines of 600 TR capacity, double skinned AHUs, Double Storage, system and computerized BMS.


4 passenger elevators each having capacity of 16 passengers.

3 service elevators — 1000 Kg.

Power Backup:

Power supply from state electricity board with 11 KV sub-station

100% power backup through 2 x 750/800 KVA DG sets with a separate DG set of 320/380 KVA for critical load Cafetaria

Vatika Atrium Location Features

The Group’s flagship commercial property, Gurgaon Vatika Atrium, is ideally situated at Sector 53 on the Golf Course Road.

created by renowned New York-based Studio u+a in collaboration with Spazzio Design Architecture

The project spans two blocks and six stories, providing about 2,20,000 square feet of office space.

A central atrium connecting the two structures has an average floor area of 25,000 square feet.

The first office space is 2,300 square feet.


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izam ahmed
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