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Rajasthan’s SSOID: Your Key to Convenient Online Services

Rajasthan’s SSOID: Your Key to Convenient Online Services

What is SSO Login or SSO ID Rajasthan?

The state government of Rajasthan has recently launched the single sign-on ID (SSO ID), which serves as a single digital identification for all apps. This initiative aims to provide convenient and user-friendly online services to the people of Rajasthan. With the SSO ID, individuals can access over 100 government departments in Rajasthan through the Rajasthan E-mitra site (https://sso.rajasthan.gov.in/). The SSO ID allows users to use the same login and password for various online services offered by the Rajasthan government, including applying for a Jan Aadhar card, educational institution applications, and government employment applications.

In addition to the SSO ID, the Rajasthan government has been introducing various helpful portals and digital initiatives. One such initiative is the Rajasthan Shala Darpan, which provides information about educational programs. Before accessing these online services, individuals must first register and obtain an SSO login.

The Advantages of SSO ID Login - Rajasthan SSO Portal

The SSO ID login for Rajasthan offers a wide range of benefits and conveniences. Some of the advantages of using SSO ID for online services in Rajasthan are:

  • Application for arms license
  • Attendance MIS
  • Communication with the bank
  • Application for Bhamashah card
  • Building plan approval system (BPAS)
  • Business registration
  • e-Devasthan
  • e-Learning
  • Employment opportunities
  • GST portal
  • E-Mitra portal services
  • SSO Rajasthan epass
  • Change of usage of land

How do I register for a Rajasthan SSO ID?

Registering for a Rajasthan SSO ID is a simple process. Here are the steps:

1. Visit the official website www.sso.rajasthan.gov.in and click on "registration".

2. Choose "Citizen" for SSO ID login registration.

Registration with Jan Aadhaar card

If you are a resident of Rajasthan, you can register for an SSO ID using your Jan Aadhaar card:

- Input your Jan Aadhaar card number.

- Enter your name, the name of the family's head, and the names of all other members.

- Select "Send OTP".

- Enter the received OTP number and click "Verify OTP".

Registration with Bhamashah card

You can also register for an SSO ID using your Bhamashah card number:

- Provide your Bhamashah card number.

Registration with Google account

Alternatively, you can register for an SSO ID using your Google account:

- Enter your email address as your username.

- Fill in all the required information and click "Register".

After successfully registering your Raj SSO ID login using any of the three methods described above, you will receive a confirmation from Rajasthan SSO.

Udyog registration in Rajasthan SSO ID

If you are a company or have a Udyog, you can register for an SSO ID login specifically for Udyog. Here are the steps:

1. Visit the website www.sso.rajasthan.gov.in and click on "Udyog".

2. Input the company register number (BRN) and click "Next".

3. Fill in all the essential information and click the "Register" button.

4. After successfully registering, you will receive your SSO ID Rajasthan login.

Rajasthan SSO ID: Registration of Government Employees

Government employees can register for the SSO ID login by using their state insurance and provident fund number and password. Follow these steps:

1. On the Rajasthan SSO ID login web page, choose "Government employee".

2. Input the SIPF username and password.

3. Fill in all the essential information and click the "Register" button.

4. Once registered, you will be provided with your SSO login ID.

Login process for SSO ID

Once you have registered, follow this simple procedure to log in with your Raj SSO ID:

1. Visit sso.rajasthan.gov.in.

2. Enter your digital identity (SSOID/username), password, and Captcha.

3. Click on "Login" to access the required websites.

Rajasthan SSO mobile app

To make it even more convenient, you can access Rajasthan SSO services through the mobile app. Here are the steps:

1. Visit the Google Play store and search for the Rajasthan SSO mobile app.

2. Download and install the app on your mobile device.

3. Open the app and click on "SSO portal login" to sign in using your SSO ID.

4. If you haven't registered yet, click on "registration" to sign up for Rajasthan SSO.

By utilizing the SSO ID login, individuals in Rajasthan can easily access a wide range of online services provided by the government. The introduction of the SSO ID has simplified the process of accessing these services, making it more efficient and convenient for the residents of Rajasthan.

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