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Reasons Why You Get Dandruff And How To Get Rid Of Severe Dandruff Effectively

Reasons Why You Get Dandruff And How To Get Rid Of Severe Dandruff Effectively

Dandruff is very common but that doesn't mean it's NORMAL. Dandruff is your scalp’s way of communicating that something needs to be taken care of. It is annoying and at times, embarrassing, and around the Winter season, it gets even worse, leaving us with an itchy and flaky scalp that often leads to hair fall and in severe cases hair loss. Dandruff can be managed effectively by choosing the right products like a clarifying and pH Balanced Shampoo.

What Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff is caused by multiple factors:

  • Severely Dry Skin:

Dry skin readily causes skin flaking and our relatively sensitive scalp is not free from it, dry skin is rather more prone to dandruff.

  • Certain Allergies:

Hair care products contain an array of chemicals and extracts and it is plausible for anyone to get scalp sensitivity against them that may lead to contact dermatitis and eventually severe dandruff.

  • Medical Conditions Like Seborrheic Dermatitis:

Seborrheic Dermatitis is an inflammatory disease characterized by scaly, inflamed patches in areas rich in sebaceous glands such as the scalp, face, body folds, and chest.

  • Fungal Overgrowth:

Malessezia, a yeast-like fungus that dwells on the scalps and feeds on the natural bodily oil is known to cause and aggravate dandruff in adults.

  • Infrequent Hair Washing:

Not adhering to consistent hair hygiene practices further leads to dirt and oil build-up, all of which cumulatively favor dandruff onset and progression.

How to Effectively Get Rid of Severe Dandruff?

Dandruff can be effectively controlled with the help of simple and small changes in your hygiene practices and by choosing the right haircare products.

Wash your hair with a pH-balanced and Conditioning Shampoo regularly to get rid of dandruff. In mild dandruff conditions, frequent hair washing with a pH-balanced shampoo makes all the difference, but if the severity level of dandruff is rather high, it’s best to opt for shampoos formulated with dandruff-controlling ingredients. There are several ingredients that contribute to treating dandruff effectively, major of them are discussed below:

  • Coal-Tar-Based Shampoos: Coal-tar-based shampoos help prevent severe dandruff conditions that are triggered by autoimmune disorders like Psoriasis by having a check on the skin/cellular growth rate along with reducing inflammation. 
  • Pyrithione Zinc Shampoo: Fungal dandruff is effectively managed by the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal actions of zinc pyrithione.
  • Salicylic Acid Shampoo: Salicylic Acid has already left its unequivocal impact in the skincareverse for oily/acne-prone skin, it makes the best exfoliant and has deep cleansing and oil-clearing actions. Salicylic-based shampoos have similar actions on the scalp, they help clarify the scalp and get rid of all the dirt and build-up thus intervening with the fungal-related dandruff.
  • Ketoconazole Shampoo: This needs no introduction when it comes to dandruff control, Ketoconazole is a potent anti-fungal agent that kills the fungus causing the dreaded dandruff.

Hair oils formulated with ingredients that help with dandruff control may also help with managing dandruff if it's because of the dry scalp and dry skin nature, but it will further support dandruff growth if it is of a fungal or oily skin nature. Be very diligent while choosing a natural hair oil while addressing your dandruff concerns. Wash the oil away with a gentle conditioning shampoo or a pH-balanced shampoo for optimal results.

Quick Tips and Home Remedies For Dandruff Control:

Limit sugar consumption as it leads to further excessive sebum secretion as sugar is known to cause hyperactivity in the sebaceous glands. Excessive sebum becomes the breeding ground for the fungus that leads to dandruff and the uncomfortable experiences it brings along like itchy, inflamed, and flaky scalp.

Using diluted Apple Cider Vinegar in a ratio of 3:1 also helps in clarifying the scalp and inhibiting dandruff growth.

Using a scalp scrub that is gentle once a week may help to manage the situation to a fair extent.

Including tea tree oil as an essential oil with coconut oil as the carrier oil and massaging it on the hair root may help get rid of the dandruff that arises due to dry skin type conditions, for oily skin types, it is advised to mix it in the bath water and use it for rinsing the hair whenever you use a pH balanced shampoo.

Using a physical, silicone-based scrub to brush off the dirt build-up before or while shampooing your hair with any Conditioning Shampoo also manages and prevents the dandruff and is effective for dandruff control.

Now you know the possible causes and the right approach to cure and control dandruff, dandruff although isn’t something very complex on its own it further leads to hair fall since it weakens the anchorage of hair roots to the scalp, it also causes forehead and facial acne when it falls off on the face. It is best to take preventative and managing steps to avoid such situations from arising further. Dandruff, like all things, is easy to control and manage if we start working on the root cause of it.

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