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Agile methodology with Flutter app development- What a synergetic move!

Yudiz Solutions - Game Development Company
Agile methodology with Flutter app development- What a synergetic move!

The rise of flutter 

Flutter has gained enormous recognition in the app development world due to its advanced capabilities to manage a single codebase and highly customizable widgets. The reason for a sudden rise of the Flutter app developers have due to its ease of use & developer-friendly functionalities. Flutter allows natively compiled applications to run on all the platforms like Android, ios and other desktop devices.

In the past few decades there has been a sudden rise of Flutter app developers as Flutter is a popular choice for developing  cross-platform development solutions. It’s verastil;e approach to simplify the development process by creating attractive UI designs is what makes it stand out.Plus, no compromise on the performance part.Quite a versatile and clutter free way!

What began as a simple UI framework by Google carved its way towards becoming widely adopted frameworks in Flutter app development companies. This is primarily focused on Core reasons like affordability, scalability and ease of use. This blog will dive deep into how integrating agile methodologies with flutter has the power potential to enhance your app performance with a faster time to market.

Overview of Agile

The term “Agile” came into picture when a group of software developers addressed the limitations caused by traditional approaches while building robust software applications. Due to its iterative and collaborative approach, it has replaced the traditional waterfall way of developing software which followed a rigid path.

Agile development breaks down the process into smaller incremental moves keeping in loop the clients and stakeholders.This keeps everyone aligned about the real-time insights of the project. The most lucrative part about Agile is that it prioritizes flexibility and quick adaptability over rigidity. It prioritizes communication and collaboration over comprehensive Documentation.We'll dive into how the agile flow compliments the Flutter app development services carving an upward trajectory Let us dive into how the combination of Agile process with flutter can accelerate your development process.

Brief history and evolution of agile process

The agile manifesto launched in 2001 came up with a set of software approaches with the agile principles, methodologies and tools like Scrum, Xamanrin, Xtreme programming (XP) and kanban framework. It all started when developers and owners started questioning the efficiency of the traditional approach.Unlike traditional waterfall methodologies, Agile approaches focused on adaptability, continuous improvement and customer feedback.

The four core principles of agile methodology includes:-

1. Team collaborations over pre-defined processes.

Prioritizing team efforts and collaboration help individuals voice out their opinions and take accountability for their part and individual contribution in the team.

2.Working software over comprehensive documentation

This aspect prioritizes releasing an MVP rather than prerequisite process of the process documentation. Once the MVP is released, customer feedback is collected and the team initiates working on the product improvisation. 

3. Customer feedback over contractual conditions.

It lays emphasis on collecting the response generated from customer feedback over the relevant time intervals.

4. Having a moldable and flexible work approach.

Agile principles rely on adapting to the changes quickly rather than blindly following a preconceived notion about the fixed path. 

Here are some core fundamentals of Agile framework that creates a stark contrast from traditional working methodologies like waterfall.It deniably surpasses the setbacks and frustrations caused during implementing any traditional approach.Let’s explore how, shall we?

  • It focuses on interactions and collaborations over processes and tools.
  • Agile follows a flexible plan driven approach rather than a predetermined rigid planning lifecycle.
  • Agile is a customer-centric approach that constantly collects feedback and improvises its software. The software team is laser focused on adopting a small iterative approach with small incremental slabs. With each incremental approach, there is customer feedback that is laser focused on improving the product.
  • Make the software design, process and development a simplistic approach.
  • Encourage cross-functional team collaboration and value individual contributions.
  • Targets making the teams self-organized.
  • Agile adopts a scrum methodology that creates time-boxed iterations called “sprint. With daily stand up meetings, the team focuses on adding more value in the sprint cycle, and sprint retrospectives.

What makes Flutter stand out?

Flutter was started by Google to build visually appealing and clean UI design and proved to be one of the highly adopted frameworks in development approach. By harnessing the ability of Flutter, you can create visually appealing, high-performance native code applications.

The Unique selling point (USP) of flutter is its cross-platform functionality that runs efficiently on a native.machine code. Flutter was designed to create customizable mobile apps for all the platforms including for android and ios users. 

Flutter has set a benchmark by creating visually attract and responsive web designs that not only simplifies the development process but also caters to different business concerns.There is a significant rise in both native Futter app developers and FLutter development companies as it is highly preferred language for businesses of all niches. All the flutter app developers can relate that it is comparatively easy to learn.

It’s time we evaluate the key features that separates Flutter from ordinary programming languages. After all, it's the USP of any language that makes it popular,isn’t it?

  • Single codebase
  • Cross platform functionality
  • Customized widgets
  • Firebase integrations
  • Access to native features
  • Stronger ecosystem
  • High-performance apps 

What’s in for flutter in 2023? Preview of latest updates by Google 

Patterns- The latest feature of Flutter works exceptionally well for the Dart developers as it delivers a robust way of allowing developers to write a structured and declarative code.This feature simplifies the code reliability and maintainability. 

Improved code-level security- Flutter has introduced the relevant feature of null safety by ensuring that code- compatibility and code-security parameters are met.

Class modifiers - Dart 3 has launched an exclusive feature which allows the developers to define the behavior of a class delivering a customized experience in defining a particular class.

With the new features flutter is eyeing on allowing the developers to create beautiful applications that run seamlessly over all the devices. The whole essence revolves around delivering more offerings at an affordable price. What a tech-driven futuristic move!

How do Flutter integrations align with the Agile development process?

Flutter’s design focuses on building rapid prototyping model with a faster time to market.For example, the Hot reload delivers real-time updates on how the execution of a code update will look like. The core principles of flutter aligns with the fundamental factors that Agile methods deliver as their offerings. Let’s check how.

  • Customer-centric - all the agile methodologies lay emphasis on delivering continuous value and satisfaction to the customers.With the flutter capabilities you can create rapid prototypes and utilize the user-friendly features of rich set of widgets taht can be customized accordingly.
  • Collaboration and team -interaction - Flutter allows the feedback to transform into tangible solutions like response UI design and backend services eliminating the need fir server-side scripting.
  • Adapting to the change - The core principles of agile development focuses on catering to continuous improvement in the product. Flutter provides the tools and features to navigate to the changes.
  • Iterative approach-  Iterative approach revolves around delivering changes in incremental cycles. Flutter framework allows to facilitate these incremental slabs by providing robust developer-friendly functionalities.

While Agile focuses on creating value with every iteration, flutter amps up these customer-centric approaches by delivering widgets and feature rich functionalities. It allows the process to accelerate delivering more value in less time. 

The synergy of Agile with flutter is such that together it forms a lethal combination of faster delivery & continuous value upgrade. The Agile-flutter aligns what most businesses are striving, Simplified app development and 

Real-life examples of agile and flutter synergy

1. Transitioning the grocery shopping experience with Shopiright

Goal - Shopiright was trying to establish itself as an ecommerce platform and create personalized experiences for its customers.

Challenge - Shopiright needed to create a scalable solution to meet its vast product listing, user preferences while catering to their personalized buying journeys. The entire approach was overwhelmingly daunting. 

Solution -  Using flutter the team created a high-performing scalable solution. With agile sprints and team collaboration eyeing on collecting customer feedback. With every sprint, they focused on analyzing the customer behavior and market trends. Leveraging the rich set of widgets for creating customized user-personas.

Outcome - The platform witnessed an exponential upsurge in customer retention of the old prospects. The agile flutter synergy increased the user-engagement. With regular feature releases, it keeps the user-base hooked and a step ahead of their rivals.

Conclusion - Combining the revolutionary Agile with Flutter, a synchronized move!

In the technological landscape, two things hold primary importance. The consistently elevating technical advancements and the ever-evolving customer needs. 

Imagine this scenario:-you wish to build a beautiful app using flutter. Imagine being able to integrate unlimited features into one robust high-performing application that caters to all evolving needs of the target audience. How about integration of a variety of features all at an affordable price. What a steal deal!

Build highly beautiful apps and responsive design with our highly efficient team of technocrats.

Choose our Flutter app development services and leverage the opportunity.Faster time-to market. I promise it's worth your time! Call us for a free trial to built fascinating apps of your choice.

Yudiz Solutions - Game Development Company
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